
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta

Cinco de Mayo celebrates the victory of the Mexican army over the French at the battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. About 4,000 Mexicans faced the French army, which was better armed and three times larger - and the Mexicans won. A year later, the losers from Puebla managed to take over Mexico City and start a French government. The French victory was short lived. The government soon collapsed and Mexicans took back their city.

Read more: Cinco de Mayo

We started the day with a soccer game for Little Man! He has been doing absolutley amazing on the soccer field. It was such a humid hot day and all the kids were definetly not as energetic as normal. Even with the heat, he had 3 goals and attempted to block 5 goals from the other team. I am truly impressed with the understanding he has about how the game works. In his age group they don't use goalies so there is no one to block the shots. Little Man knows the way to get points is by kicking the ball in your goal but he also realized that he needs to keep the opposing team from scoring without anyone explaining it. I am so proud of him! He is really excited because next week will be team photos! He has a wall where we place the pictures from each sport team he has played on so he can look back and remember how much fun it is to play on a team.

In addition to soccer, We had a sleepover last night so all the boys were pretty tired from the lack of sleep they had from Friday night so I decided to make a quick lunch of mexican rice and black beans to start our celebration of Cinco de Mayo.The kids ate real quick and took a long afternoon nap. :o)

For dinner I made Vegetable Fajitas (Sauteed red onion, squash, green and read peppers in chili powder and fresh lime topped with monterrey jack cheese and salsa) with left over Mexican rice and beans. For dessert I made a delicious Mexican chocolate cake with caramel icing ( Store bought chocolate cake mix with vanilla extract and ground cinnamon, you can add a dash of chili powder for extra kick but I did not include it this time). I wish I could have bought a pinata and printed off some coloring pages but I ran out of time. Although, I think the kids liked the simple day we had anyway :o) Does anyone know any good family movies for Cinco de Mayo to end the night? Sorry there are no pics I need to get new batteries so all I have are the soccer photos for now!

I hope everyone's celebrations were fun. Now time to start planning the upcoming week! I need to write out my menu for next week to get started. Then I need to plan for Little Man's last Field Trip of the year, our May Crowning and our Hawaiian Luau for the Feast of Saint Damien on May 10th. It is my dad's name day so we are going to make it a little more elaborate.

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