Sunday, May 20, 2012

Mother's Day Living Room Camp Out

I know this post is a week late but I am trying to get caught up after a long work week.
I am trying to get creative with my pictures :o) How do you like the collage of our Mother's Day Living Room Camp Out?  We had the camp out Saturday night into Mother's Day. We all had such a great time with mini strawberry shortcakes and s'mores!
Mother's Day this year actually fell on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima as well. We were planning a nice May Crowning Luncheon but Squishy had an asthma attack that night so our plans were put on hold. I hope to do something special for Mary before the end of the month.
In honor of of Lady of the Rosary we watched The Day the Sun Danced: The True Story of Fatima. The boys really liked the movie and so did I. I am working on building up our movie gallery with more movies like this from CCC of America
It is a great Feast Day to start a daily Rosary.
I hope everyone had an amazing Mother's Day and Feast of Our Lady of Fatima!

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima

Dearest Mother, Queen of the Holy Rosary, who came to Fatima to reveal to all mankind the Divine plan for true Christian peace, of prayer, penance, and consecration, grant an abundance of grace, strength, and guidance to the members of Thy Fatima Crusade, here present and throughout the world. Inspire us to great zeal, oh great Mediatrix of All Graces, that we may be effective instruments in spreading devotion to Thy Rosary; that we may be faithful in wearing Thy scapular; that we may inspire our brothers in Christ to a life of sacrifice, penance, and modesty, and finally, that we may help to bring about that wonderful day when all men, through consecration to Thy Immaculate Heart, shall be one in Christ. Amen.

Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!

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