
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Science Center

Little Man had his last Field Trip of the year at the Science Center and Landing Park. I was blessed to be able to participate and bring my Squishy along for the ride. It seems like I have been working so much lately it is really nice to be able to enjoy a day with my boys and just have fun. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if my husband could have been there with us. We had never been to this park or museum before so it was a treat for everyone! The weather was gorgeous! I am glad we were able to visit some of the sites in the area since we will be leaving in the next two months.


  1. Hi Jessica,

    Love your pictures! How do you get so many pictures in the one? Is it through iPhoto or something similar?

    1. Thank you very much! I actually downloaded Picasa 3 from google and it helps you make collages and change the tones of your pictures. I have only figured out how to make the collages so far but I really like the program!
