
Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Ascension

This past Thursday was Ascension Thursday. The Feast day is actually moved to the following Sunday in the United States. There are so many wonderful ways to celebrate this special day. We were planning to have our First Annual Ascension Picnic inspired by Jessica from Shower of Roses at the park but we had to move the location inside this year due to Squishy's breathing problems. He is doing fine just still wheezing quite a bit from his episode last weekend and has a small rash from the Albuterol (That's why he has no shirt on at the table).
For our picnic lunch we had...

Fried Chicken: Symbolizing that Jesus "flew" into Heaven.
Marconi n' Cheese: Symbolizing the Gate to Heaven that was opened by Jesus (My husband actually came up with this idea! The boys and I were quite impressed!)
Fruit: Symbolizing Jesus, the first fruit of mankind.(we ate strawberries, they are the boys favorite)
Root beer Floats: Symbolizing Jesus rising to the clouds in Heaven

We had such an amazing time and this will definitely become a new family tradition! I also really liked the Ascension pancakes, I will be trying them out next year.  Are there any good books or movies for families that are about the Ascension?

Now is a great time to start your preparations for Pentecost... its next Sunday!  I hope everyone had an amazing Ascension Celebration.


  1. Great idea to have this 'Ascension meal'! Thanks for sharing! Love the bright colors and great pictures/collages on your blog!
    Hmmm...I think it's time for a Root Beer float. =)

    1. Thank you for the comment! I just started blogging and don't get many comments yet :o) Definetley have a root beer float! They make me feel like a kid again.

  2. Hi Jessica,

    Your boys are so cute! I think it's a great tradition to celebrate the liturgical year at home. I was curious about your question~ any good books or movies about the Ascension? I have no idea and would like to know the answer to that myself! I'm thinking that if you went to a Catholic bookstore, you might find one of those small children's books that cost $1.60, may have one with that topic. I did a quick amazon search and they do come up with a couple of titles for children but I was unable to find them in my library interloan system.

    So, if you find the answer to your question, please share it with the rest of us! I found your blog through Monica, by the way :) It's nice "to meet you!"

    1. It is nice to meet you too! Thanks for looking at my blog :o) I took a look at the little Catholic store we have near our home but they did not have any children's books for the Ascension available, they did have some pictures though. I am going to look at a few catholic giftshops online and see what they offer but if I find anything I will definitly let you know.
