
Friday, June 15, 2012

Babylon: Daniel's Courage in Captivity {Day 3, 4 & 5}

I am sorry I wasn't able to keep up with the daily updates. Working extra shifts is starting to catch up to me and my schedule feels completely jumbled. Here is a small overview of the past three days at VBS. On Wednesday I did manage to get an adorable picture of Little Man in the lion cut out on my cell phone but I am still searching for the USB cord to download it onto the computer. I did get a cute magnet to add to the refrigerator that just so happens to have a picture of Little Man in the lion cut out! 

The pictures around him are foam stickers of lions, angels and a sign that says "The God We Serve is Able to Save Us". The picture is up close because it also has Little Man's name across the top of the magnet with foam letter stickers! Its absolutely adorable and looks amazing next to the magnet he made last year. My favorite new magnet was the only thing that was brought home this week. We had several coloring sheets portraying different parts of the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den. Little Man also made several finger puppets and a jewelry box. The jewels that adorn the box have already been sprinkled all over the carpet and on random objects but for one whole day it was Little Man's prized possession. He even asked me if I had any diamonds and gold that I needed him to keep safe. He was really disappointed I said I didn't have any diamonds or gold but offered my watch (which wasn't good enough for the jewelry box lol) but was happy when I told him he could use it as a treasure chest instead. 

I think the plant project completed on the last day of VBS is Little Man's most favorite. The jar is decorated with a lion and Daniel is on the other side. The paper on the side says "Please water me so I can grow big & strong like Daniel". We need to find a safe spot that little fingers or crazy cats can't reach our special plant this weekend. We may have to leave the little guy outside on the patio, at least until we get the house a little more organized. I wonder what kind of plant it could be?

During the week there have been several feast days I have yet to post about. Wednesday was the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua and Today is The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Tomorrow is the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sunday is Father's Day.

Above are the only pictures I have from Wednesday during our small celebration of Saint Anthony of Padua. We enjoyed some delicious spaghetti and meatballs. I know Saint Anthony is mostly known for his time in Portugal but he also ministered in Italy. We needed something easy and quick and who doesn't love spaghetti night? As you can see by the pictures... Spaghetti night is always accompanied with a long bath :o) I am planning to incorporate the Feast of the Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart on Sunday.

 Another craft that Little Man is extremely proud of was his lion hat which he shared with Squishy after his delicious pizza party. We are having a great start to the summer and have many more fun activities coming up including Squishy's first haircut tomorrow along with a friend's birthday party and an outside movie for the boys! Little Man's 5th Birthday and Going Away Party is also coming up next weekend! Please keep us in your prayers while we try to get this move underway.

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