
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Corpus Christi

Today is celebration of Corpus Christi! In Europe and Catholic dominant nations,there is a beautiful Eucharistic Procession that the is done in honor of this holy feast day.To honor the Blessed Sacrament, the people carrying the Eucharist are adorned with flowers and greenery as well as the homes that the Procession passes. I hope to one day be able to participate or watch one of these professions with my family in person but until then EWTN will be showing them online and on television throughout the day.

I thought that today would be a great day to create a Spring time wreath to hang on our front door, as if we were one of the home that the Holy Eucharist would pass on its journey. Unfortunately, the whole family has caught a summer cold and we have had extremely heavy rain and wind for the past week. I have been too nervous to travel to the store to purchase the rest of the materials needed for our wreath. I really would like to complete this project before Friday. I am looking for ways to decorate my house in accordance to the liturgical year and I think this idea is a step toward reaching my goal. Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter and easy to figure out but Ordinary time has been difficult for me. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

As you have probably assumed; Since I am too afraid to travel in this weather, I also have not completed any grocery shopping either. Therefore, there will not be a huge celebration feast tonight. I was able to find the ingredients to make a banana pudding pie (which looks like a large sized Eucharist). We will be enjoying left overs for dinner and for dessert banana pudding pie with a cup of strawberry Kool-Aid :o) Sorry no pictures today... Lightning and Tornado warnings going on :o(

Today would be a good day to be starting or ending the following Novena:
O Lord Jesus Christ, You who have given us Your precious Body and Blood to be our meat and drink, grant that through frequent reception of You in the Holy Eucharist, I may be strengthened in mind and body to do Your holy will. Amen.
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us.


  1. Hi, you have a lovely family! just found you from the new catholic blogs web page. Nice to meet you!

    1. Thank you! It is very nice to meet you as well :o)
