
Monday, September 3, 2012

God's Plan

I don't really know how to go into writing this post... It's been several months since I have been active in blogging. So... I am just going to say it. I am getting a divorce. My husband and I are ending our marriage. It is still difficult to talk about and I never saw this as something my family and I would ever have to endure. The past few years have been hard and I would rather not give reasons to the end of the marriage but I do want to say that in all honesty there are no other options for us. I know that sounds crazy to many people but I have to admit it sounds crazy to me too. I do not believe in divorce and I truly meant "until death do us part". I have discussed everything with our family priest and he is preparing me for this journey and is helping me through the annulment process as well. I never thought I would be a single mom with two children. I have faith that this is God's plan for me.

It feels strange to be so far from my comfort zone and relying on God alone to truly provide for me and my family. I was blessed with a nice home that provided everything we needed and now I no longer have that. Me and my two children are essentially homeless but have been blessed to have amazing friends helping us as we get back on our feet, allowing us a roof over our heads and food to eat. I am starting to truly realize the extent of God's love for us. I just received the Holy Heroes Glory Stories CD about Saint Claire before St Claire's Feast Day in August and I was so touched by the reoccurring theme that God provides for the birds who neither sow, reap or store food and so we who are made in his image will be provided everything we need and more. I am living this reality.

I am asking everyone to please pray for me and my children as we are finding ourselves on a new road in life. We are finding so many blessings that have been bestowed upon us. Please pray for my ex-husband too, that he may find happiness and a stronger relationship with God.

I am hoping to find a new normal routine for myself and my children very soon. I feel horrible admitting but we have not been attending mass regularly nor have we celebrated any Feast Days. This is a time when we should be holding to our faith with both hands and I have allowed it to slip. I will be trying harder and I am optimistic about our future celebrations as a family! Thank you for stopping by and I will be back soon :o)


  1. Dear Jessica, I'm promising prayers for you and your family and ex husband. God will always provide, and God bless your faith.

  2. I stumbled upon your blog via the Catholic Bloggers site and read your post. My heart breaks for you, your kids, your husband. I will pray my favorite prayer, the Memorare, right now! God bless!
