
Monday, June 3, 2013

Mud Run 2013

Wow! It has been so long since I have been able to take a look at my life and know that I am on the path God created for me. I am happier now than I have ever been. As a family we are still struggling through some big bumps in the road but me and my boys are strong and God has continued to provide for us. We were rock bottom. No home, no money and only our faith, family and friends to help us. And we are doing it! More on that later but I did want everyone to know that God truly provides in any and every circumstance and you will NEVER be alone!

Now... on to some blogging! I have so much to write about and its going to be a jumbled mess but its going to be fun. I thought I would start writing about the Mud Run I ran with my coworkers from Ruby Tuesday.

The Emerald Coast Mud Run is an annual 5K obstacle course done to help raise money for orphans. They have several different options for this run. There is a kids run, which Little Man really wants to try next year, the Warrior version which is longer and the obstacles are more difficult than the normal 5K I ran. If you go to their website I did see some pictures of me and my team so take a look around and you will see the awesome obstacles and the huge amounts of mud they had ready for us to tackle. I will admit I fell face first into the mud during the up and over obstacle and my fellow teammate, Jeff had to carry myself and our other runner across the monkey bars! Our hands were so slippery I would fly off 2 bars before the end of the monkey bar set. It was a great cause to participate in and was an amazing experience. I think I want to try a half marathon next! What do you think? I feel like I am ready. Take a look at our before and after. Come join us next time!

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