
Monday, July 29, 2013

Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

Last Monday was the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene. I have to be real honest, I really wanted to make one of the traditional French pastries that are common to make in honor of Mary Magdalene but since I have never made them before I was afraid I may mess them up. Also I have been extremely crunched for time so I wanted to make sure whatever I attempted to bake or cook would be made in time to still enjoy it before the kids had to get ready for bed. So instead of the traditional Magdalenes, I decided to make "Mary"land crab cakes with grilled zucchini, homemade mash potatoes and corn bread! If you would like the recipe send me a comment or email!

I love the play on words and I have really been craving seafood lately! I have to admit they came out as a huge success and are apparently Little Man's new favorite :o) To finish our meal we also enjoyed a Passion fruit Sparkling drink to represent Mary Magdalene's presence during Our Lord's Passion. Overall I think the small celebration we had was very fun and delicious! Sorry again for the lack of pictures and late update.

Saint Mary Magdalene, pray for us!

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