
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Saint Bonaventure

I wanted to update everyone about the amazing time me and my children had celebrating the Feast of Saint Bonaventure this past Monday! I actually wasn't able to take many pictures because the boys devoured dinner and everything else before I could snap any. Oh well, such is the life of a mommy with growing boys... very hungry growing boys :)

Saint Bonaventure is a quite famous Italian Saint. He is known as the Doctor of the Church and renowned for his amazing writings. I thought it would be fun to have some pasta (Italian) so I made Cheese tortellini with zucchini, squash and cherry tomatoes tossed in a sun dried tomato alfredo. I chose tortellini because it looks like the Franciscan's style of hair, a tonsure.

In honor of Saint Bonaventure, I bought the children and I journals so we could write just like this amazing saint. Here is the one picture I was able to get of Little Man's journal. I think it says it all!

Pierce, O most sweet Lord Jesus, my inmost soul with the most joyous and healthful wound of Thy love, and with true, calm and most holy apostolic charity, that my soul may ever languish and melt with entire love and longing for Thee, may yearn for Thee and for thy courts, may long to be dissolved and to be with Thee.
Grant that my soul may hunger after Thee, the Bread of Angels, the refreshment of holy souls, our daily and super substantial bread, having all sweetness and savor and every delightful taste.
May my heart ever hunger after and feed upon Thee, Whom the angels desire to look upon, and may my inmost soul be filled with the sweetness of Thy savor; may it ever thirst for Thee, the fountain of life, the fountain of wisdom and knowledge, the fountain of eternal light, the torrent of pleasure, the fullness of the house of God;
may it ever compass Thee, seek Thee, find Thee, run to Thee, come up to Thee, meditate on Thee, speak of Thee, and do all for the praise and glory of Thy name, with humility and discretion, with love and delight, with ease and affection, with perseverance to the end; and be Thou alone ever my hope, my entire confidence, my riches, my delight, my pleasure, my joy, my rest and tranquility, my peace, my sweetness, my food, my refreshment, my refuge, my help, my wisdom, my portion, my possession, my treasure; in Whom may my mind and my heart be ever fixed and firm and rooted immovably. Amen.
Saint Bonaventure, pray for us!

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