
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Our Feast on Saint Thomas Aquinas

So this post is late... sorry. I am just starting to get back into blogging. I am sure you have noticed my time away from the computer.

I am starting a Liturgical notebook in order to keep a better paper trail for myself as a planning guide for the future. Please forgive me for the lack of pictures too. The boys and I were experiencing some extreme cold weather. I don't know how it happened but I took a couple pictures and my phone created this neat "video" that looks like snow. Its really only sleet but I still like the video. We live in Florida and below freezing temperatures are not a regular occurrence. Neither are icicles, sleet, snow days and frost covering the ground making our yard look like a winter wonderland.

As I have stated before most of the time my Feast Day plans do not go as planned. On our Feast of Saint Thomas Aquinas was no different. The boys colored their coloring pages and were completely distracted from the ice outside our home. Sadly there was no star shaped cookies or quiet reading time to learn. I also was unable to buy a Saint Thomas statue to add to our homework table because every store was closing early. Little Man has had some frustration during homework time and I thought adding a statue to pray and ask Saint Thomas for homework help would ease some tensions we have during our homework time.

I also want to make some worksheets with some of Saint Thomas's quotes to help with handwriting.
Some of my favorite quotes are...

"Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand."

"Love takes up where knowledge leaves off."

"The things that we love tell us what we are."

We ended our evening watching Rise of the Guardians, a request from Little Man. He was completely sure Jack Frost was hiding in our yard. I just love the innocence of children and the unending limits to their faith. How did you feast day plans go? and how do you keep your plans? I would love some suggestions!

Saint Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!

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