
Sunday, March 13, 2016

Jumped the Starting Line

OOPS! Looks like I got carried away in an earlier post. My family will not be relocating like we thought because God opened another door for us :) So I got my prayer answered! I was excited about seeing a new place and new experiences but I have really fallen in love with the mountains here. They are BEAUTIFUL! So I get to keep this beautiful landscape as my view a little longer. Please continue to pray for my family as we continue down our new path because although we get to stay in Colorado we will be moving closer to my husband's new job so we will be in a new area eventually.

Since all this craziness with a potential move, I really haven't had time to blog but I do have several posts I am working on. Spring Football just started and it looks like it will be an amazing season. We also have lots of meetings coming up for Goalies transition to kindergarten! Soccer is also suppose to start this week in addition to the feasts of Saints Patrick and Joseph! I am really excited about all the new things going on in our lives.

Tonight we will be celebrating by attending evening Mass (We missed it this morning thanks to forgetting about Daylight Savings) and watching the Peanuts movie with some pizza, popcorn and candy!

"There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under heaven"
-- Ecclesiastes 3:1

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