
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Feast of Saint Mark

I feel like it has been forever since I've finished a post! I have a ton that will be completed before the end of the month ranging from The Kentucky Derby, our Liturgical Feasts and some new activities that my family will be getting involved in. We have had some craziness with Goalie having IEP revaluations, kindergarten transition meetings and starting therapy again this past week. Transitions and changes are really hard on Goalie so it has been my focus to help him during this period of change. We recently purchased a weighted vest from a friend who was able to make him one with Spider-Man material and it has really helped him so much during this busy week! Thank you so much Amy!! If you are interested in a great quality product check out Crunchybums, Bands and Blankets on Facebook! I will be ordering some weghted blankets soon!

Well back to the topic of this post. It is the feast of Saint Mark! I honestly have been overwhelmed with our schedules lately so I was only able to plan a vegetarian dinner because during the feast of Saint Mark it is tradition to say prayers for the crops. I made a Vegetable Quinoa Casserole. It actually wasn't all that bad except I thought it was a little dry so I will be adding something to the ingredients I threw together tonight to help with that next time. 

It is also traditional to enjoy some cherries on this feast day. I found a recipe that allowed you to make a cherry cobbler in a mug but I was unable to make it tonight for several reasons including that I need to go to the grocery store and it was late because Goalie had a late soccer game. I still intend to make this dessert sometime this week because it sounds too delicious not to try and the boys overheard me talk about it and were rather disappointed they would have no treat after dinner tonight. 

Here is a list of some posts I have been working on and hope to have finished soon:

Skype Book Club: We are reading Rising Strong! 
Summertime Bucket list: Fun activities for families and couples. 
Saint Zita the Little Cook
Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Gianna
Walburgia Night
{pretty, happy, funny, real} 
Summer Garden

As you can see, I have been working on quite the assortment of topics. If you have any ideas or suggestions please don't hesitate to share!

Saint Mark, pray for us!

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