
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Kentucky Derby

Have you watched the Kentucky Derby before? I have heard that it is an amazing experience to be present for and the celebration lasts the entire week. I have never had the pleasure of being present at the Derby but I went to an amazing Kentucky Derby Party last year and my awesome cousin planned one this year! If you would like some info on this amazing race, check out this website here. It is the Official Kentucky Derby website and has access to information on the tradition, events and party supplies.

Its All About the Hat

One of the most famous traditions of the Kentucky Derby is the wondrous display of hats that will flood the Derby. The traditional woman's outfit consists of some springtime heels or sandals with a nice dress and big hat! I wasn't able to decorate my hat the way I wanted but I still have one and that's what matters. Men normally dress in some slacks and a button up shirt with a bowtie and straw hat or fedora. I bought my little guys some hats and they look adorable in them.

Drink of the Day: The Mint Julip

I made some fresh mint syrup to enjoy this delicious springtime drink at the Kentucky Derby Party. If you haven't made this syrup before it is super easy and have written the recipe below and then how to use it to create a delicious Mint Julip. This year I decided to try a Honey Bourbon Mint Julip because my husband gave me a delicious bottle of honey bourbon and bought me some Salted Vanilla Bourbon Raw Honey on our hike through Manitou Springs earlier in the week. 

Mint Julip

2 cups water
2 cups sugar (or 1 cup sugar & 1 cup Vanilla Bourbon Raw Honey)
8-10 Fresh Mint Sprigs (for syrup)
Mint Sprigs (for garnish)
Crushed Ice
Bourbon (I'm using Honey Bourbon)

Make a simple syrup by boiling water and the dissolving the sugar, whisking together for at least 5 minutes. Cool and place in a covered container with 8-10 mint sprigs. Refrigerate overnight. 
Make a Mint Julip by filling a cup with Crushed Ice. Add 1 tablespoon of mint syrup with 2 ounces of  the Bourbon of your choosing. Stir and garnish with more mint

We had a blast celebrating the Derby with our friends and family. I love having an excuse to get dressed up and take some nice photos with my boys! Look how handsome they are!

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