
Thursday, June 30, 2016

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life 
Every Thursday Like Mother Like Daughter ~


I have been dreaming of returning to my hometown and visit with my friends, family and the beach. The hot humid Florida days are what my childhood was made of and although I am enjoying the gorgeous weather in Colorado, I have become nostalgic while I reminisce about the gorgeous white sand, the emerald green salt water, the warm strokes of the breeze across my face. Plans are still in the work but we will see if this short family vacation can come true this month.


June is probably one of the happiest month's of our year! within the last two weeks we celebrate Father's Day, our Wedding Anniversary, Little Man's Birthday and finally my husband's birthday right before we start preparations for the upcoming school year. This year we had a pie fight outside my cousin's home and enjoyed watching Finding Dory as a family to celebrate the guy's birthdays!


We purchased an annual pass to the zoo and Goalie is forever wanting to pose with the animal statues. He thinks that they "come alive" when we aren't looking. I love the imagination and innocence of my children. Here is a picture go Goalie with the giraffe statue. He was quite upset I didn't get the giraffe's face in the picture with him! My husband was unable to come with us on this particular trip and he got a nice laugh seeing Goalie's statue pictures.


This tall glass of deliciousness is made from a Creamy Oolong Tea mixture I made with ice cubes, bananas, spices and almond milk! I drank it with my breakfast. I have been doing some research on oolong tea and matcha green tea and the REAL health benefits. I encourage you to replace that afternoon cup of coffee with a nice tea like this and see how much better you feel. The thing i love about both of these options is that I can drink these teas hot or cold or make it into a smoothie to enjoy anytime. 

I hope that everyone's summer is going well! It's about that time to start planning back to school readiness and fall time bucket lists!

God Bless!


  1. It's great to see a post from you again! I missed your blog. I hope you get to go to Florida again soon. I know how hard it is to miss where you are from. I love birthday/festivity seasons; they are so much fun. Those cakes look really cool! I'm glad your boy loves the zoo. His imagination is so sweet. I'm putting the tea on my list. I love my afternoon coffee, but with this heat, I think I'll try something cooler.

    Happy 4th!

    1. Thank you! Have you heard of Bloglovin'? I just found it and I'm following your blog from there. It's pretty neat if you want to check it out sometime. My cousin actually baked both of those cakes! He is amazing at party organizing and baking... I keep telling him to start a business. If you decide to try the tea, I think you will really enjoy it. It still has caffeine (not as much as coffee but more than green tea) but it has a very smooth taste by itself and the almond milk and honey make it super creamy! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I hope you and your family enjoy the upcoming weekend and 4th of July!

    2. Thanks for letting me know about Bloglovin. I'll check that out. Your cousin is so talented. Those cakes really are amazing!

    3. Of course! No problem. I agree. He is very good and he loves doing it :)
