
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Transform Your Life Thursday Challenge

Normally on Thursdays I participate in an amazing linkup called {pretty, happy, funny, real}. I learned today that the linkup may be discontinued, which makes me a little sad but I understand the importance of having a balance within your life and I am sure that hosting linkups on a weekly basis can take up a lot of time. I loved having a day to sit and contemplate the blessings I received everyday through my friends, family and experiences. The realization that there may not be anymore {pretty, happy, funny, real} made me rethink what I wanted to share today. 

I am a planner. I like to have my workouts, meals, prayer time and anything else important written down so I am accountable and don't make the mistake of overbooking my day. I honestly believe that you have to plan to succeed, otherwise you are planning to fail. Let's make us all accountable for our goals. I am challenging myself and anyone else who would like to join me in a Transform Your Life Thursday Challenge. I might even turn this into a linkup if I have enough interest. I am working on some printable now. For now let's discuss the rules so that this can be used as a tool for you to reach the life you want.
Rules for Transform Your Life Thursday:

1. Set Short Term Goals
Pick one area of your life you would like to transform. I suggest picking one because you do not want to overwhelm yourself and as time progresses you can make other goals. Here are a few suggestions:
Faith: Weekly/Daily Mass, Prayer Journal, Daily Prayers, Etc.
Family: Daily Dinner, Weekly Outings, Game Nights, Etc. 
Fitness: Meals, Completing Workouts, Measurements, Before/After Pictures Etc.
Financial: Savings Plan, Credit Card/ Bill Repayment, Vacation Fund Etc.
**You don't have to share these unless you want to; Goals are important but can be very personal.**

2. Create A Plan
What are you changing in your everyday life to make progress?
How are you going to bridge the gap between meeting goals?
How will you keep yourself accountable?
What do you need to succeed?
Do you need help?

3. Follow Through Each Week
Stick to your Faith, Family, Fitness, Financial Plans.
Do not be discouraged if you have a bad day or don't reach your goals right away. 
Everyday is a new day and a fresh start! If you keep trying, you will reach your goals.
If part of your process isn't working, try something else until you find what works for you.

4. Start Your Plan This Upcoming Monday
Planning for the future gives you time to gather what you need to be successful: prayer journal, planner, healthy recipes, a piggy bank or whatever you need to succeed and you have the entire weekend to be productive and get ready!
Write everything down in your planner, journal or in a place that you can reference often.
It has been proven that if you keep your goals within eyesight, it will help you overcome obstacles that can slow your progress. 

5. Celebrate Your Success
You deserve a reward when you reach a goal! Find something to reward yourself with at the end of your challenge and be accountable; if you don't stay consistent, wait on rewarding yourself.

My goal for this Transform Your Life Thursday Challenge is to be consistent with my workouts. 
I will go to the gym at least 4 times this upcoming week.
I will weight lift each visit to the gym.
I will run at least 2 miles each workout and must be added to Nike Plus.
I will take pictures at the end of each workout to hold myself accountable.
When I reach my goal, my reward will be a yummy dessert of my choosing!

Next week I will post about my progress and whether I succeeded in reaching my goal. If I was unsuccessful I will repeat my same goal. I will choose another goal next week (only if I am successful) and follow the same process. I would suggest picking a new goal from a different aspect of your life. I know this process will create a healthy routine and help me transform my life one Thursday at a time. I would really love some feedback and see who wants to be a part of Transform Your Life Thursday Challenge. If you want to share your goals or anything please add them in the comments and I will see about a linkup!
God Bless!

This is for the Let's Get Real Party 

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