Monday, August 22, 2016

Menu Plan Monday: August 22- August 28

Wow! Was your transition back into the school year as crazy as mine felt? We did survive! I guess that's all that really matters. This week should be just as interesting. We have only 3 days of Football practice this week but soccer for Goalie will be starting this week too. In addition to our extra curricular activities, Goalie goes back to Behavioral Therapy this week and I will be working more nights than days. Keep us in your prayers as we navigate through the week please! Here is what is on our Menu Plan Monday linkup this week:

Monday: Feast of the Queenship of Mary

Tuesday: Feast of Saint Rose of Lima

Wednesday: Feast of Saint Bartholomew
Sub Sandwiches
*Cobbler for dessert*

Thursday: Back to School Night
Leftover Dinner Buffet

Daddy is Cooking!

Saturday: Saint Monica
Italian Spaghetti Squash Boats


We have some new dinner dishes on the menu this week so I thought I would share a few thoughts and explain our choices a little for this week. Monday is the Queenship of Mary and in honor of this we will be enjoying Chicken A La Queen. She is the Queen of the Universe so what better to serve on her special day?

Tuesday is the Feast of Saint Rose of Lima so we opted for a dinner with Lima Beans. A Peruvian vegetarian dish would honor this great saint too.

Wednesday is the Feast of Saint Bartholomew. Saint Bartholomew has a festival that is held in his honor in Sandwich of Kent so I thought it would be cut to have Sandwiches for a play on words. He is also the patron saint of cobblers so a delicious cobbler for dessert sounded amazing too! Not a fan of cobbler? Gingerbread is associated with Saint Bartholomew as well.

Thursday our school is hosting a Back to School Night so we will be in attendance and there is normally treats and food available during the school events so I figured leftovers would be best since the boys aren't extremely hungry when they snack later in the evening. 

Daddy will be preparing dinner Friday because Mommy will be working late night. Good luck Daddy! The boys might get to have breakfast for dinner or go out for a special daddy hang out night. 

Saturday is the Feast of Saint Monica and I decided spaghetti squash boats would be a great dinner idea because she had to chase her son, Saint Augustine, across the sea is a boat several times. 

Sunday is a day of rest but I have to work late that night too so to make things easier for the boys and the babysitter... pizza it is.

What are you doing for your dinner plans this week? Celebrating anything special or have other traditions for the feasts we are celebrating? 

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