
Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Sunday Best: Selfie Sticks & Donuts

I have a confession to make... and it is a big one. We bought a Selfie Stick! I never in a million years would dream that I would purchase one of these little things but the impossible has happened. We tried it out today before heading to Mass. The picture came out better than I thought it would. Sorry about the glare and slight blurriness. I washed our curtains yesterday and have not put them back up yet and WOW! The light just pours through our front window. I am hoping to use it to help take our Sunday Best pictures and bring it along on our hikes!

We are enjoying some slightly cooler weather so I pulled out a bright colored three-quarter sleeve shirt with my longer khaki colored skirt. This particular skirt is one of Goalie's favorites because it can swish when I turn. Little Man and Goalie decided to rock their cute little polo shirts and some khaki pants as well. I wish I would have gotten a picture of my husband with us. He joined us at Mass after his workout and went straight to bed when we got home, while I bought donuts! He has been working the late shift so he needs naps before heading out to work. 

I wish I had a cute little story or saying from Mass today but I think we were all recuperating from the past week. Goalie had a hard time sitting still but he didn't say much... just random noises like he sometimes does. My kids are the source of all my entertainment and today we were all just tired!. Little Man was able to sit with us today and he had fun watching the other altar servers helping the priests. 

Remember those donuts I mentioned earlier? Well, we have been doing a much better job sticking to our healthier eating plan this past week so we decided to buy some delicious donuts as a reward! Here are the two I devoured after returning home from Mass. A lemon creme and raspberry filled donut. They were amazing and I enjoyed another cup of pumpkin spice coffee in my favorite coffee cup. It says "To everything there is a SEASON... and a time to every purpose under the HEAVENS" Ecclesiastes 3:1. My husband bought me this cup when we had a brunch right before we moved away from Florida. This is one of my favorite lines from the bible and the painting of trees on the cup is beautiful.

This little cutie joined me as I enjoyed my after Mass treat because the boys grabbed their donuts and ran out the door to go play with their friends. I think my sweet little Lemon has been a little jealous of our new additions to the family this past week so I will enjoy the extra snuggles while I can get them. Saint Francis of Assisi said, "A cat purring on your lap is more healing than any drug in the world, as the vibrations you are receiving are of pure love and contentment." This is so true. Lemon's purring is making me so calm, I might be ready to take a nap too!

Both my husband and I work tonight so I am going to enjoy the quiet for a bit before I start preparations for the babysitter tonight. I still have to make dinner, organize the boys clothes for the following school week and make sure their bags are fully packed for school tomorrow. How do people figure out how to spend their Sundays peacefully the way God intended? I need some suggestions because I feel like I am insanely busy everyday no matter how I complete my household chores and work.

I am linking this to My Sunday BestGood Morning Mondays at Darling Downs Diaries and Modest Monday at The Modest Mom Blog

God Bless!


  1. I need a selfie stick! You and your boys look great. I am with you on Sunday not being a day of rest. I need to make more of an effort! I have also heard some people observing their day of rest from Saturday night to Sunday at sundown; that would probably be easier to do. But all mamas who take young kids to Mass on Sunday won't truly be peaceful or rested. ;)

    1. I agree! I try to get as much done on Saturdays so I can try to have a quiet uneventful Sunday but life just doesn't agree with me most of the time. LOL! Maybe one day! Ill keep hoping until then.

  2. You look lovely in the coral sweater. :)

    Ugh. It's so hard to keep Sundays as a day of rest. The thing we've done that has made it easier is to make Saturday the work day. So we try to catch up on life on Saturdays so we can keep Sundays free. Prayers for a good week of school for the boys! :)

    1. Thank you! I will continue to try to find my way to a nice quiet Sunday. I know there are so many that struggle with keeping Sunday's as a day of rest. I think it may be a sign of the times unfortunately.

  3. I've been grappling with the question of how I spend my Sundays lately too. I keep asking myself, is this really what's intended? My husband needs certain clothes clean for the following day, and sometimes this necessitates some laundry. I don't even mind laundry; it's not one of the chores that really feels like a chore. If I'm doing it happily, is it really work? That said, I do try not to do laundry on Sunday. Still, I feel like laundry is less work than the dinner that my husband makes on Sunday night. But we all have to eat and cooking is work, and kind of unavoidable on Sunday. But he doesn't mind cooking and he's happy to do it. Yesterday I baked granola bars and breakfast muffins for the kids to have for the week. The house was quiet and I wasn't doing anything else, so it was my opportunity. And of course, I packed their lunches in the evening. A lot of Sunday is prep for Monday, I agree. But maybe if I'm doing it in the right mindset, and prayerfully, it's still spending the Sabbath appropriately.

    1. I like that perspective because that is what my Sundays normally are too...prep work. I help my boys pick their clothes for school for the week and hang them in order, which means if their is a School pride day, sports day etc. I may have to do some laundry, ironing for the hubby and most definitely cooking dinner. I do like the mindset and completing tasks prayerfully. Thank you so much for commenting!

  4. We were hiking the other day and there was a girl walking down the trail with her phone attached to the selfie stick the entire time! I wanted to tell her that probably wasn't the best idea if she wanted to keep her footing ;) But I'm guessing you're just going for good views once you reach the top!

    1. Oh yeah! I normally can only try a photo once or twice if I'm lucky. My boys get so excited and with my youngest not being the most observant child I am normally running after them LOL but it is neat to see how far up you"ve climbed once you get there!
