
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

#WorthRevisit: Parish May Crowning

In honor of the of the feasts celebrating Mary the past two weeks, the Queenship of Mary and the Assumption. I thought it would be a great idea to share my boys first experience at a May Crowning. May Crownings are normally done during May but I think that it would be appropriate to adorn our lady with a crown again during the month of August. The entire month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as well. I believe that I am raising my children to have a strong love for their faith, at least that is my goal, and this way a big milestone for us. I'm not going to lie, reading over this post from four years ago brought tears to my eyes. Time flies and seeing how much my boys have grown as young men of faith is heart warming. Here is my post I am sharing for #WorthRevisit with Theology is a Verb and Reconciled to You.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Parish May Crowning

I know this is going to sound outrageous but even though I was raised Catholic, I have only been to one May Crowning, and unfortunately I don't even remember it. I was talking to my parents about the ceremony and my mom mentioned my sister and I had participated in one during the year of our First Communion. I thought I had never been to one before, well today my boys and I experienced our first ceremony together! The ceremony was at Little Man's School and it was absolutely amazing, very simple and meaningful.

It so happens that today was also Little Man's last Field Trip so we didn't get dressed up for the Crowning. Next year I hope the timing works out better because I love getting the boys dressed in their Sunday best. The school attends mass Thursday mornings and the Crowning was scheduled to follow mass in the school courtyard. I brought Little Man to school and Squishy did not want to leave him in class so the teacher allowed us to stay and participate in snack and coloring while the courtyard was being set up for the May Crowning ceremony.

 Its the quiet moments like this that make my heart feel so full. I am so blessed with these children. Loving them makes me a better person

Squishy wants to be just like his big brother. He kept "helping" Little Man color his paper too.

Here is a picture of the courtyard while they setup everything. Below is a picture of the bells used to go along with the procession of the First Communion classes. I do not know the name of the song that was sang as the children processed in but it was beautiful... Maybe it was Salve Regina? I'm not sure so please don't quote me. The jingling of the bells complimented the song so well and it caused all the small children to fall into a silent stare, especially Squishy. He was quite restless because he missed his morning nap and was overwhelmed by all the activity but the beautiful colors and sounds of the bells calmed him. I was also quite impressed with the way they executed the performance of the song. There was an older woman holding up cards that had the corresponding colors to the bells pictured to signal the children to ring the bell of the appropriate color. I can still hear the sounds of the bells as I hum the melody to the song.

The children looked so adorable in their First Communion outfits.

Squishy was impressed with the beautiful clothes too because he kept saying "Wow" and "Ooo" as the children walked by, I tried to take a picture with him but he was not paying me any attention. :o)

Little Man was very attentive and was excited to say a decade of the rosary with his class. We also made a Consecration to Mary.

My Queen and my Mother, I give myself entirely to you; and to show my devotion to you, I consecrate to you this day my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my whole being without reserve. Wherefore, good Mother, as I am your own, keep me, guard me, as your property and possession. Amen.

 I was so pleased I was able to get a picture of the chosen girl placing the crown upon Mary's head. It was such a beautiful ceremony.

I will definitely be holding a casual May Crowning for our family at home this Sunday, on Mother's Day. What would be a better day to do it? It is also the Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima!

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