
Thursday, October 20, 2016

{JEI}:Time Spent with Cats is Never Wasted

Welcome to the weekly link-up recently turned Blog-Hop Just Enough Info: JEI for short. This lovely Blog-Hop is hosted by The Zelie Group and we would love for you to join us! This week we are discussing Pets! Those adorable little creatures that steal our hearts and make us more human. The quote in my title is a quote taken from Sigmund Freud and think it suits this week's topic! Let's get started with this week's questions:

1. Did you have a favorite pet when you were younger? 

Yes, I did have a favorite pet when I was younger. When I was 16 my parent's got me a kitten for my birthday. My first pet to take care of myself. She was the runt of the littler and was a Calico Bobtail meaning she had a mixture of beautiful colors in her fur and a little nubby for a tail. I named her Scooter but always called her Ms. Kitty because she always acted so "fancy". She would eat her food one piece at a time and shake her paws after exiting the litter box and had the tiniest little meow you have ever heard. She had tummy issues from being born early and remaining little but I loved her so much and my heart still aches from when I had to give her away. 

I had Ms. Kitty until I was 24. That is when I left the abusive relationship I was in and I took my cat and my kids from a very bad situation. At the time I was struggling to pay my bills, provide for my kids and we were essentially homeless. My sister took care of Ms. Kitty for me for a while but I couldn't afford her food, cat litter or other necessities. I'll never forget the day I asked my sister to help me find someone that would love Ms. Kitty the way that I did. We were lucky enough to find an older woman who needed a cat for her barn to help capture mice. I didn't have the heart to take Ms. Kitty to the farm so I said my good byes at my sister's house and a piece of my heart was taken away. 

There is a quote by Anatole France that says,“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” I believe this to be a completely accurate statement. I became more human from the love that I shared with Ms. Kitty. 

2. Do you have pets now? If so, what? 

Yes! Obviously I am a cat person but I also love dogs and other animals as well. Right now we have three cats: Lemon, Cloudy and Shadow. My husband bought me Lemon a few years ago because he knew about the story with Ms. Kitty. Although Lemon is not Ms. Kitty, she has really made me so happy. All three of our cats are little lovers that love to be pet and are constantly playing and purring. It's amazing how something so small can bring so much happiness.

I really struggle with depression and anxiety from a lot of things but I have also been diagnosed with PTSD due to the abuse I endured. This means I have a lot of sleepless nights, I am constantly tired and I would rather do nothing some days. My therapist had suggested getting a cat could help ease some anxiety symptoms because she said it was a great therapy to have pets. Cats are nocturnal and since I don't sleep well they are a great option for me. She was so right! When I am going through a bad spell, all of my kitties will sit in bed with me and let me pet them and when they purr it really does calm me. If you are on the fence about whether you want a pet, I suggest going to a local shelter. Cloudy and Shadow we got at a shelter for free because they were older (6 and 10) but they are just as rambunctious and loving as Lemon who is 2!

3. Have your kids eaten dog or cat food (either at your house or someone else’s)?

This question made me laugh so hard! Little Man ate some of those dog treats that look like "bacon" when he was a couple years old at my parent's house and he cried so hard when I caught him and took them away. Now Goalie is a whole other story! This kid put anything and everything in his month for years and still does it today! I have caught him eating dog food at my friend's and families' houses, he has stolen food from our cats and picked up random treats he has found at dog parks when we would go with friends and family. I think Goalie has eaten just as much dog and cat food as any other animal which is funny and sad at the same time! 

Thank you for joining me for another week of Just Enough Info!

You have all week to answer this week's questions about pets:

1. Did you have a favorite pet when you were younger? 
2. Do you have pets now? If so, what? 
3. Have your kids eaten dog or cat food (either at your house or someone else’s)?
 Next week we will be discussing All Saint's Day:

1. How do you celebrate the All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day feasts? 
2. What was your favorite costume as a kid growing up? 
3.What candy are you most likely to “test for safety” from the kiddo’s loot?

The Zelie Group
 has some fun questions coming up in the next few weeks so make sure to follow us on Facebook and we would love to hear what you are interested in! What are you looking to learn about? Do you have questions about the Faith? Questions about the Liturgical Year? We want to help and learn and grow with you and your families!


  1. I'm glad my kids aren't alone in their history of munching on food designed for other species. :S

    How lovely that your cats help you fight anxiety and depression. It takes such strength to be honest about struggles, and you are a strong person for surviving. <3

    1. Sometimes I think my youngest would enjoy pet food as a snack if allowed lol

      And thank you. I know that I have these daily struggles and I feel that sometimes sharing helps me but more importantly, maybe it helps someone else who struggles with the same thing. I really appreciate your kind words. You really are too sweet!

  2. 'Have your kids eaten dog or cat food (either at your house or someone else’s)?'

    We have reptiles in the house so we don't really have that problem...locusts, crickets and cockroaches are not very appealing.
    I grew up with cats (and dogs)... although I never did eat it, I clearly remember being very tempted to, it looked good and smelt even better =).

    Pets can bring so much joy to a house no matter how big or small they might be.

    1. Thank you for sharing! Lol you are right! I guess bugs as a treat aren't as appetizing as the crunchy pet food and treats that the furry variety enjoy. Especially nowadays with all the healthy pet food that is advertised!
