
Monday, October 3, 2016

Menu Plan Monday: October 3- October 9

I am excited to say our crazy schedule should be slowing down in the upcoming weeks. Today was the last soccer game of the season and we only have two weeks left of football before of fall sports seasons are completed. I am hoping that means I will be able to stick closer to my menu plan and not have to use as many back up meals. You know what I mean... those meals that you don't really want on the menu but you make out of convenience. Today was a convenience meal day. We made Vegetable mac and cheese, which sounds way fancier than it is. Vegetable mac and cheese is Velveeta mac and cheese mixed with a bag of frozen veggies.... super fancy I know. The week just snuck up on me! You will probably see some repeats of some meals from last week because I had several back up meals replace what I had planned last week. Here is the rest of my lovely menu for this week's Menu Plan Monday.

Vegetable Mac and Cheese

Tuesday: Feast of Saint Francis Assisi
Turkey Burgers

Wednesday: Feast of Saint Faustina
Crockpot Polish Sausage and Cabbage Soup

Stuffed Peppers

Friday: Our Lady of the Rosary
Spaghetti Squash Boats 


Crockpot Chili

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