
Saturday, October 8, 2016

{SQT}: Hello October

This is the first week of October and man it has been an immeasurable amount of amazing and that's why I am a day late sharing. Here are my Seven Quick Takes of the Week! 


Goalie was Superhero of the Week at school! I am so beyond proud. Goalie really struggles with his ability to stay focused and sit still during class. We even had to add some behavioral goals to his IEP to help him work on these areas so him receiving something like this made me cry happy tears! The principal hand picks the students based on their effort and willingness to do what's right. Goalie had such an amazing week being line leader, getting to share special things about himself to his class and having an extra special treat with his principal. 


Soccer season has finally ended! Monday was our last game. Goalie was really sad because he loves having a team and getting to run, run, and run some more. Cupcakes always make things better and as you can see by the huge smile on his face, the cupcake certainly cut the sting of sadness away. He is also excited that he is almost old enough to start Football though so we will see how things go there. 


October 4th was the Feast of Saint Francis and we did a Blessing of the Animals together. We have three cats and let me tell you: Holy water, kids and cats do not mix! The kids were so excited to "bless" the animals because they knew cats don't like water. Granted my husband only sprinkled the holy water but all three cats flew out of their spots into different rooms. I almost felt bad allowing the blessing to happen but the kitties also received a brand new scratching post, catnip and soft food for dinner. They will forgive us one day... hopefully. 


October has officially begun and it is a month full of meaning. October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary, Respecting Life, Breast Cancer Awareness, ADHD Awareness, Spina Bifida Awareness and many other things. All of these causes have an impact on me and my life and we are attempting to find ways to acknowledge all this in our family. What do you celebrate this month? Anything that has a special place in your heart? How do you make it special to your family?


I received my first Little Catholic Box this month!!! I am in love! My dad purchased the subscription for me as a gift and I was blown away by the awesomeness that was packed into this box! I am so excited to see what is to come and to share all the goodies with my family. How many of you have this great subscription? It is definitely worth giving a try!


We are really getting into the Autumn Spirit! To start things off we attended the Apple Day hosted in Penrose, Colorado. It was a great experience! We have two fall festivals this weekend and we have so much more planned before the end of this season. 


This is our family's first year joining the Boy Scouts of America and becoming a scouting family. Little Man and Goalie have both earned their first badge! The Bobcat Badge. I am in pursuit of some Scouting uniforms and in the process of creating a binder for the boys to keep their badges together so they have something to look back on if they decide to stick with the Boy Scouts. We just signed up for our first outdoor event for next weekend too! This October and Autumn season is turning out to be a very memorable one!

God Bless!


  1. October is a busy cause month for you! We try to think about Respect Life during October. :)

    1. Yes it is! :) I feel like I am learning so much about Respect Life Month though and loving every minute!
