
Thursday, November 3, 2016

{JEI}: Sports and Exercise

Welcome to the weekly link-up recently turned Blog-Hop Just Enough Info: JEI for short. This lovely Blog-Hop is hosted by The Zelie Group and we would love for you to join us! This week we are discussing Sports and Exercise! These are my kind of topics that are close to my heart and dominate mine and my children's schedules. Let's get started with this week's questions:

1. What sports do your kids play?

A better question would be, what sports don't my kids play?! I have some EXTREMELY active children and I absolutely LOVE IT! We just finished football for Little Man (this was his 5th season!) and soccer for Goalie just two weeks ago and the boys are a little sad they don't get to hangout with their teammates as much but they are excited about the sports seasons to come! I believe there will be a basketball season starting up through the boys' school soon.

In addition to these two sports. Little Man has played basketball, t-ball, soccer and is actually running in two different running groups: The 100 Mile Club and Boys on the Run. Goalie has played many seasons of soccer and has been involved in karate and is also participating in the 100 Mile Club. They are both new members of the Boy Scouts too! To say I am proud would be an understatement! I am so glad that I am raising children that are active in sports to encourage team work, hard work and dedication. I believe these are important characteristics they will need to be successful and world-changing adults. I won't bombard you with tons of pictures of all the past and present activities because this post would take you forever to get through! 

2. What do you do for exercise? 

I was born with Spina Bifida, which is a neural tube defect that affects my spine. Essentially I have a hole in my spine. I have been blessed beyond measure that I was spared being in a wheelchair and that I deal with slight to moderate pain on a daily basis versus what happens to most born with this disease. I had surgery as a baby while living over seas and the doctors told my parents I would probably need braces or something to help support myself as I walked. Neither the doctors or my parents can explain how I learned to walk without assistance but I did and I have done everything possible to enjoy my life because I am reminded on a daily basis how blessed I am to have this opportunity. Any day I could wake up and need a wheelchair or be told I can't be active anymore so everyday is special to me.

Obviously being aware that I am lucky to be able to walk, health and fitness have always been important to me. I have always been a runner and a basketball player. I have to admit I haven't touched a basketball in many years but it will always have a particularly special place in my heart. As a mommy, I still run and I weight lift to exercise but since moving to Colorado I have also enjoyed going on many different hikes! I have participated in Mud Runs, Tough Mudders, Color Runs and several other races. I really need to find a good one to do now... I haven't raced since relocating. In addition to running I weight train. I like to lift with my husband but with my return to the work force that barely happens anymore.

3. In the Mom Olympics, what would your event be?

Now if I were in the Mom Olympics and we were being judged upon mommy skills, I would probably be involved in one that entails multi-tasking. I have to admit that I am amazing at multi-tasking. As I finish typing this post, I am currently juggling preparing dinner, Goalie in the shower, Little Man reading out loud (reading homework) and starting the dishes and laundry. I know that might sound a little crazy but I have had no choice in learning this magnificent skill. My kids are never able to complete things at the same time and between therapies, school events, sports and church events I have been forced to learn how to juggle a million things at once. I am also a server, so I get lots of practice at work too!

Thank you for joining me for another week of Just Enough Info!

You have all week to answer this week's questions about Sports and Exercise:

1. What sports do your kids play?
2. What do you do for exercise?
3. In the Mom Olympics, what would your event be?

Next week we will be discussing the Year of Mercy because The Year of Mercy wraps up on November 20th:

1. What did (or can in these last few weeks!) yWhat are you thankful for?our family do to mark the year?
2. What Work of Mercy is easiest or most challenging for you?
3. Do you have a story of mercy in your own life to share?  Or do you have a favorite saint/quote/resource to pass along?

The Zelie Group has some fun questions coming up in the next few weeks so make sure to follow us on Facebook and we would love to hear what you are interested in! What are you looking to learn about? Do you have questions about the Faith? Questions about the Liturgical Year? We want to help and learn and grow with you and your families!

Also stop by the new Page I created on my blog for new information concerning The Zelie Group. It is a work in progress but it has a good start!

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