
Friday, December 9, 2016

Catholic Faith Formation

Welcome to the weekly link-up recently turned Blog-Hop Just Enough Info or just, JEI for short. This lovely Blog-Hop is hosted by The Zelie Group and we would love for you to join us! This week we are discussing Religious Education! Let's get started with this week's questions:

Do your children attend your parish’s religious education program? 

Yes! My children do attend our Parish Religious Education Program. They have been in attendance since they were in Kindergarten. My oldest is now an Altar Sever and both of my boys are participating in the Children's Christmas Choir this year. We are blessed with an active parish and they are hosting Parish Faith Nights ever couple of months to increase family participation in the Religious Education Program. 

I do believe that Faith Formation has to be part of the home atmosphere as well. My boys seem to grasp more faith concepts that we have incorporated into our family time and traditions than the concepts that they learn about without being able to put their faith into action. 

Do you or have you ever taught religious education?

Yes I have! And I am currently teaching my 4th graders Religious Education Class. I have taught for several years and have always enjoyed it. When I was in high school, my best friend even taught a preschool class with me! I really enjoy being a Catechist and hope that I am able to continue to volunteer and help in my parish. I also love when I see my students outside of class and they are excited to see me!

What is your favorite religious education resource for kids?

For the classroom, I would have to say that I rely on my Catechist book a lot but I take a look at Pinterest and Holy Heroes too! I am always looking for great resources so I can't wait to hear about everyone else's ideas on this subject!

At home, I am utilizing the Holy Heroes Advent Adventure for the children while we celebrate the Advent season. In addition to that we are creating a Jesse Tree Garland and much more... If you are still in need of ways to get your Advent on track check out my Advent Series. It contains links to many resources, crafts, books and movies!

I have also been blessed with a gift of the Little Catholic Box and I just won a FREE box from the Mass Box! I'll share more on these lovely gifts later!

You have all week to answer this week's questions that are all about Religious Education:

1. Do your children attend your parish’s religious education program? 
2. Do you or have you ever taught religious education? 
3. What is your favorite religious education resource for kids?

The Zelie Group has some fun questions coming up in the next few weeks so make sure to follow us on Facebook and we would love to hear what you are interested in! What are you looking to learn about? Do you have questions about the Faith? Questions about the Liturgical Year? We want to help and learn and grow with you and your families!

Also stop by the new Page I created on my blog for new information concerning The Zelie Group. It is a work in progress but it has a good start!

God Bless!

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