
Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hospitality: Mankind is divisible into two great classes: Hosts and Guests

Welcome to the weekly link-up recently turned Blog-Hop Just Enough Info or just, JEI for short. This lovely Blog-Hop is hosted by The Zelie Group and we would love for you to join us! This week we are discussing Holiday Hospitality! It is the holiday season and I do love it! Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas and New Years! So many traditions to share with friends and family. Let's get started with this week's questions:

What's your go-to "someone's coming over" recipe? 

I really enjoy quick and easy appetizers for when I have guests over. Meat and cheese tray, a vegetable tray with dressing and hummus and some delicious spinach dip! I like to throw things together to make my recipes and almost never "measure" the ingredients so the recipe I am about to share is a rough guesstimate. This is a basic recipe and I do add mushrooms, water chestnuts or other goodies to spruce this up at times.

Crockpot Spinach Artichoke Dip:

1 lb Frozen Spinach
1 Can Artichoke Hearts (diced)
2 Jars Cheese Alfredo
1 Package of Cream Cheese
1 Tbsp Minced Garlic
Pepper to taste

Drain and cut the artichoke hearts and dump all the other ingredients into the crockpot. Cook on high for 1-2 hours or on low for 3-4 hours. Serve with tortillas chips or fresh veggies. Enjoy!

You have 5 minutes to tidy before guest arrive. What are your tidying shortcuts? 

This one is a toughie! My house is normally in a state of disarray, especially because I have two crazy kids and I have been working more due to the holiday season. So if I only had 5 minutes, I would try to hit the areas that would be used by my guest with a quick wipe down and moving articles that may get in their way. These areas would include the main bathroom, living room and if I had time, the dining area and kitchen. I don't expect things to be pretty but at least clean enough to use comfortably. 

What sort of music sets the mood for the perfect gathering?

I like to play the sounds of the season! Normally when I have people over it is for a holiday or specific event so I will normally play something that is similar to the season. If there is no special music for the season, I am a HUGE fan of Celine Dion and similar musicians. Honestly, I prefer playing party games so most of the time there is no need for background music. 

You have all week to answer this week's questions all about Hospitality:

1. What's your go-to "someone's coming over" recipe? 
2. You have 5 minutes to tidy before guest arrive. What are your tidying shortcuts? 
3. What sort of music sets the mood for the perfect gathering?

Next week we will be discussing Religious Education:

1. Do your children attend your parish’s religious education program? 
2. Do you or have you ever taught religious education? 
3. What is your favorite religious education resource for kids?

The Zelie Group has some fun questions coming up in the next few weeks so make sure to follow us on Facebook and we would love to hear what you are interested in! What are you looking to learn about? Do you have questions about the Faith? Questions about the Liturgical Year? We want to help and learn and grow with you and your families!

Also stop by the new Page I created on my blog for new information concerning The Zelie Group. It is a work in progress but it has a good start!

God Bless!


  1. That spinach artichoke dip sounds amazing!! And, like you, I usually do a "loose measurement" once I know a recipe. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Of course! I feel like throwing stuff together sometimes comes out better than measuing everything any ways!

  2. The 'Crockpot Spinach Artichoke Dip' sounds yummy. We LOOOVE artichokes... looking forward to tasting it!
