
Wednesday, December 28, 2016

My Sunday Best: Christmas Eve Edition

Christmas is the second most important day of the year! Easter being the first because it is the day that we were given everlasting life thanks to our Savior, Jesus Christ. But without his birth on Christmas there could be no death or Resurrection. I love the Christmas season so much! The catching melodies of carols, the gorgeous lights, the happiness that is emitted from everyone you come across. It is purely magical, possibly a small heaven on Earth experience. 

We attended the Christmas Eve Mass at our Parish this year to celebrate the birth of Jesus because our boys were singing in the Christmas Eve Children's Choir. We were all dressed in our Sunday Best and wish big smiles! Goalie was the most excited about being part of the choir. He feels a little left out since Little Man gets to altar serve frequently and he isn't old enough to really participate in the Mass except from the pews with me. He is always upset during Communion too because yet again it's just something he can't do. His attitude toward Mass was completely different this night. I'm sure you can feel his excitement from his huge smile! These amazing outfits were gifts from family and the boys opened them up during the O Antiphon celebration on December 22nd to celebrate O Rex Gentium or O King of the nations. They get new outfits "fit for a king".... at least that's how we have explained it. The boys normally get a nice outfit for the Christmas season on this night but they were also lucky enough to get brand new shoes too! I think it's funny but the boys were a little disappointed they didn't get haircuts before their big debut, they normally don't like getting haircuts but I love that they wanted to look their absolute best for Jesus on his special night. 

Upon entering our church, I was so excited to see how beautifully the place was decorated. Filled with beautiful Christmas trees lit up with classic white lights, poinsettias everywhere and a gorgeous Nativity with an eye-catching star hanging above it. It's not pictured but there where teardrop wreaths at the end of every other pew and beautiful evergreen wreaths along the stations of the cross as you walked into the church as well. Just a picture perfect adoration of the church to honor Jesus and the Christmas season.

One of my most favorite part of the Vigil Mass is when they Bless the Nativity. I love the aroma of the incense and the reverence that is shown while it is being blessed by the altar servers. It's just a beautiful tradition that I look forward to each and every Christmas Eve. What is your favorite part? The songs? The prayers? The addition friends and family joining us in celebrating? There is just so much to this feast day that it is hard to choose the best parts!

Another amazing moment from the Christmas Eve Vigil was when Monsignor invited all the children to sit with him while he read Santa and the Christ Child. As you can see, the children all sat so still to listen to this beautiful story and one of the younger children crawled into Monsignor's lap. I think this will be a purchase for next year to add to our Christmas Book Collection!

Don't think I forgot about video taping some of the Children Choir! If you are interested in hearing the beautifully sang song, Rise Up Shepherds and Follow, by the Children's Christmas Choir, please checkout my Instagram page! It should be one of my most recent posts, as I have been taking a small hiatus from social media to really enjoy this season with my family!

After Mass, the boys were full of energy! We headed home and finally got to open that special Christmas Eve gift they had been dying to rip apart all day! The gift was from Buddy the Elf since it was  his last night with us until next year and it included Star Wars Christmas pajamas, popcorn and the movie Risen! After baking Santa's cookies we enjoyed some hot chocolate and snuggled while we watched our movie before heading to bed. I mean the kids went to bed... my husband and I had to stay up for Santa duties (making sure he enjoyed the cookies and cocoa of course) and watched Scrooged. I hope you had an amazing Advent season and are enjoying this truly magical season of Christmas. I am sharing this with A Blog for my Mom for her fun My Sunday Best linkup.

God Bless!


  1. The church really does look beautiful. I just adds to the specialness, doesn't it? Glad the boys enjoyed their choir experience. Merry Christmas! :)

    1. Thank you! We have only been part of this church for about a year and I LOVE how they decorate for the liturgical year. I hope your littles had just as much fun! Merry Christmas to you and your family too!

  2. What a fun evening and Christmas!! I love that Buddy the Elf brought something for the kids - I didn't even think of that! However, usually Rudolph is our secondary gifter- although, he struck out last year on the gift left...

    Your church was also beautiful, and I think you posted a closer-up picture on IG (maybe?) of the Monsignor holding a little kid while reading the story. That is so, so sweet!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Buddy the Elf brings some stuff throughout Advent like our Advent candles for our wreath and is normally placed near certain items to help the boys remember what the Advent season is about. I actually wanted to make him look like he was praying with the bible but my cats wanted to eat him! LOL! I also think that Rudolph leaving a gift is so cute! How did he strike out last year?

      I did post a picture on IG on the Monsignor that was more clear. For some reason it was distorted when I tried to upload it to my post though so i had to go with the more clear but further away picture.

      I hope you and your family are enjoying the Christmas season and ready for an amazing New Year!

  3. I always really love how they decorate the church for Christmas, too - it helps the kids really understand how special a day it is :) Merry Christmas to you all!

    1. I agree! Thank you so much! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well!
