
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Seven Reasons You Should Write and Send Christmas Cards

Advent season is a time of preparation and anticipation of the birth of Christ. Christmas cards are an exceptional way to celebrate the Advent season and can accomplish so much more than you can imagine. Below are seven reasons that you should both write and send out those Christmas cards this season. This is a simple act that will send a positive change into the world.



As Catholics, we are called to share the important news of our Savior and the promise that his birth, death and resurrection mean to us all. Sending a beautiful Christmas Card with a Nativity portrait and filled with words of hope, love and joy is a beautiful reminder of the real reason for the season and it may be the only time someone you knows gets told of the wonderful gift that Jesus's birth is to their families and the entire world. 

It is a tradition in my home that we send out our Christmas cards on December 17th because it is the first day of the O Antiphons and we celebrate the name of Jesus of O Wisdom on this night. Don't be shy to share your love of Jesus and touch the heart of those that need to learn of his love. 



The art of handwriting letters, notes and cards is a dying art. I have a small collection of letters and special mementos from over the years that bring me great joy from throughout the year: Mother's Day letter's from my children, love notes from my husband and words of encouragement from friends. Create a work of art that can be saved and enjoyed over the coming Advent and Christmas seasons. These beautifully written pieces will one day be what you leave behind for your friends and family to remember you and the happiness you brought to their lives.



Depending on your relations within your family and friends, you could be completing a Spiritual Act of Mercy with sending out those beautiful Christmas cards. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you hand write a special message to those you love this Advent season. Of the Seven Spiritual Works of Mercy, there are four that I could easily see being accomplished through your Christmas Card:

Maybe you have a friend or family member dealing with a crisis of faith? Your Christmas Card could bring light to them in a time of darkness and help counsel them back to their faith. God works in mysterious ways and you never know when you are being called to do his good work.



This is another Spiritual Work of Mercy. We all know people that are not taught in the Catholic faith, or maybe have questions about it. A simple card could with an invitation to Mass or Christmas dinner could be the action that opens their hearts and eyes to the love of the Catholic faith. You might be their only link to Catholicism and God is asking you to be their light in the darkness.



The holiday season can be more sorrowful and sad to those that may be dealing with a void of a loved one; whether this be though death, distance or other circumstance. An older widow celebrating their first Christmas without their spouse, a parent who is dealing with an empty nest, a family that is torn by an argument, the list can go on and on. Reach out to someone that has a hurting heart by showing love and compassion for them during this difficult time.

Deployed Soldiers, Wounded Warriors, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Homeless Shelters and so many other places are always looking for a way to comfort the sorrowful.



The final Spiritual Work of Mercy you could complete is through forgiving. Forgiveness is hard and can almost feel impossible in certain circumstances. Reaching out to someone that has betrayed you, not only helps show your forgiveness, but can be an amazing gift to offer someone during this season of hope, love and joy. Free yourself of the anger and rebuild relationships that have been broken with the love of God at the center.

There are two sides to this coin: What about asking for forgiveness? If you have wronged someone and not apologized fully or maybe not at all, ask for forgiveness and mean it. Feel sorrow and guilt and attempt to fix your wrong doings with penance.



This is one of the most important reasons you should take the time to write and send those Christmas cards this year. The true meaning of Christmas is often overshadowed with the commercialism of gifts, the distraction of shiny new things and to be drawn into the masses of the overwhelming majority that don't celebrate Jesus during Christmas. Take the time for yourself and your family to sit together and pray before you write out your family Christmas cards. Ask that the words you share are ones that help grow your faith and the faith of the recipients as well. Be still and feel the anticipation and longing that is the season of Advent before celebrating the birth of or Savior.

If you are still searching for the perfect place to get your Christmas cards or Holiday invitations, please consider Paperless Post! In addition to offering beautiful and unique products, if you purchase from their RED Christmas Collection, you are supporting the fight against AIDS. Another important aspect of the Christmas and Advent season is charity, so your purchase would help you and help others! This is a special holiday partnership and your support would be greatly appreciated! Remember it is not too late! The Christmas season doesn't end on December 25th, it is only the beginning! You still have time to send out those very special and meaningful Christmas cards.

This is just one of many ideas that you can use to keep Christ in Christmas. I am sharing this with Seven Quick Takes.


  1. I've never thought about it like this before. Thanks Jessica!

    1. I am so glad you liked it! My boys are going through a "Why" stage and they asked me why I write cards every year so they gave something to sit and pray about.

  2. I looooooooooove Christmas cards. Thank you for helping me see them as a way to live out the works of mercy! <3

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed the post! My kids are the reason I wrote this. They asked me why so I had to sit and think about why I send and receive cards. God works in mysterious ways! :)
