
Monday, January 2, 2017

Menu Plan Monday: January 2- January 8

I have really enjoyed this Christmas Season and I am so sad that we will be taking down the decorations after the Epiphany. I am just getting back into my routine since I stepped away from the blog a bit during the holidays. I am looking forward to getting my schedule straightened out and sharing more about what we have done and what we hope to accomplish! For now, Here is our Menu for the Menu Plan Monday:

Monday: Saint Basil the Great
Baked Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans

Tuesday: Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Shepherd's Pie

Wednesday: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Vegetarian Taco Salad

Spaghetti Squash Marinara

Leftover Dinner Buffet
Sunday: Epiphany
Chicken Noodle Soup, Garden Salad and Fresh Bread
King Cupcakes for Dessert


  1. I've been reading a lot about the Danish concept of hygge lately. I decided that I'm not taking down all my decorations after Epiphany. I will convert some to a more generic winter theme but I'm keeping as many twinkle lights as I can. I'm going to be blogging about this and sharing some photos next week on Life With Dee.

    I followed you here from I'm an Organizing Junkie. I'd love to have you pay me a visit. Here is the link to my menu this week:

    1. I think i might keep up some of my star lights too! They are so beautiful and I just really enjoy them. Thanks for stopping by and I loved your blog. I will be stopping by more often!
