
Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How to Celebrate Saint Valentine's Day on Ash Wednesday

The Lenten Season is around the corner and this year with some interesting twists. To begin, the Lenten season's official start is Ash Wednesday and it coincides with another feast day that everyone enjoys to celebrate... Saint Valentine's Day.

These two celebrations are an interesting combination because Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting, abstinence and penance while Valentine's Day has become a day to indulge and celebrate. Combining traditions from each day may seem impossible but it's not!

Roses, chocolates and special trinkets have become the normal way to enjoy the feast day of Saint Valentine. Oddly enough, Saint Valentine was a priest that was sentenced to death because he married Christian couples and associating with the people that were being persecuted under Claudius so the association of couples, love and marriage are due to Saint Valentine's patronage as a Saint. The popularity of the color red on this day was because it represents martyrs.

The entire holiday has lost it's real value and most don't know about the history behind February 14th. Taking a real look into the true meaning of Valentine's Day and incorporating it with the customs of Ash Wednesday will make it a more meaningful holiday.

Here are some ways to celebrate both liturgical days together:

1. Attend Mass

This suggestion isn't really a suggestion. Ash Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation and Saint Valentine was martyred in honor of our faith. Spending time with those you love with God is the best place to spend your Valentine's Day.

2. Give SAINT Valentine Cards

Valentine Cards are a fun tradition but they don't embrace the Saint that is being honored on his feast day. Make sure to give these Saint Valentine cards to not only friends and family but those that are forgotten on days like this. Visit a Nursing home, the imprisoned or the sick.

3. Give Gifts

Lavish gifts are sometimes exchanged to impress our Valentines. Instead of giving jewelry or gadgets, why not give Lenten devotionals, monetary donations or the gift of your time to help those in need? Burying the Alleluia on Ash Wednesday is one of my family's favorite traditions. You could expand this tradition by wrapping up your Easter decorations and open it for Easter Sunday.

4. Don't forget the Chocolates

Lent is a time of preparation for the Easter Season. Although you can't indulge in sweets on Ash Wednesday, begin your preparations for your Easter celebrations by saving those chocolates. Besides you can always capitalize on those Valentine candies going on sale the next day too!

5. Wear Red

Red is the color of martyrs and love. Although the Lenten season color is purple, red is the color of the Triduum as well. Celebrate love, sacrifice and Lent by rocking your favorite red outfit to Mass and work.

6. Make a Special Dinner

Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence while it is popular to share a special meal with your love on the feast of Saint Valentine. During a fast you are allowed one regular meal with two smaller meals that do not equal a regular meal. Abstinence means no meat but you can enjoy seafood. Make your regular meal count. You may not be able to indulge in wine and cocktails but a delicious sparkling water will quench your thirst and adds that little something extra to your dinner just as well.

The combination of Saint Valentine's Day and Ash Wednesday may make you feel like you have to chose one or the other to celebrate. I hope this has helped to illuminate the importance of combining these liturgical celebrations and reflecting on the real meaning behind the celebrations. I hope this is a blessed Lenten season and you enjoy your Ash Wednesday and Saint Valentine's Day this year.

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