
Monday, April 9, 2012

Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday

We spent Holy Saturday preparing for Easter Sunday!
I helped Little Man make his first set of Resurrection Eggs!
I bought some plastic eggs at the Dollar Tree and used this link here for some pictures to place inside each egg. Little Man loved coloring the pictures and I allowed him to place each step of the Resurrection into the corresponding egg as we discussed each picture and scripture reading.

We also colored our Easter eggs as a family Saturday night (Daddy actually had the night off with us) before our first attempt at baking Resurrection Cookies.

Here are our beautiful eggs! Everyone had a great time and we have tons of boiled eggs for deviled eggs and egg salad! YUM! We also finished our Holy Road and Lenten Calendar.
I also completed our Easter Calendar today! Its made of 50 plastic eggs that I numbered 1-15. Inside each egg there is a piece of paper with a special activity to help our family celebrate all 50 days of the Easter Season. I got this idea from one of the blogs I came across but I can't find it again to link for people who would be interested in doing a similar version. I believe they placed biblical verses that accompanied another activity their family participated in each Easter. I will update with the link as soon as I can find it again.
You can see where I ran out of the light blue ribbon and finished with purple :o)  
After we placed the baskets on the dinner table, we made our first attempt at Resurrection cookies. All I can say is that you DEFINITELY need a mixer to make these cookies because ours didn't turn out. Thank goodness Easter is a season and we will make them again before Pentecost as soon as we purchase a new mixer of course ;o)

To start our Easter festivities Sunday morning the boys found that the Easter Bunny had come and filled their Easter baskets! They contained chocolate crosses, puzzles, books, toy cars, egg shaped chalk, prayer cards and scapulars and assorted candies.
As you can see from the pictures our sacrifice beans transformed into delicious jelly beans! Our crown of thorns lost all of its thorns and bloomed with Easter lilies as well.
I have to figure out how to download pictures from my phone onto this blog to complete a blog about our Easter Sunday celebration. Until then Happy Easter to your family from ours!

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