
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday is the beginning of the Holy Triduum. Today is an important day because Jesus Instituted the Eucharist and the Holy Orders. We lit our candle that we have placed as our centerpiece with the Crucifix Prayer card. In honor of this holy day, I put together a symbolic meal for the kids and read the story of the Last Supper and the Agony in the Garden from the boys' Children Bible as they ate. This was an amazing experience for me and the kids I hope to make this a Holy Thursday tradition for us!
Here was the menu:

Vegetable Beef Soup: I didn't want a huge main course since it is still Lent so that was really the only reason for soup as our entree choice
Sparkling Grape Juice: Wine and the Blood of Jesus (I even let the older kids drink their juice from a wine glasses and they were super thrilled)
Salad with cucumber and tomato: Garden of Gethsemane (Today is also known as Green Thursday in Germany)
Grapes: Work of Human hands and wine
Strawberries: Kiss of Judas
30 Crackers and Cheese: 30 pieces of silver Judas received for betraying Jesus
Olives: Mount Olive
Olive Oil: Special oil Mary used to anoint Jesus
Bread: The Institution of the Eucharist and the Body of Christ

I had plans to allow the boys to wash each others feet but everyone fell asleep while watching the Veggie Tales Jonah. I wish I knew someone who has completed a Jonah Project, I am extremely interested to try it out but I don't know how to go about it. Well I hope you enjoyed your Holy Thursday and may God bless everyone as we enter into the solemness of Good Friday. Remember to start your Divine Mercy Novena.

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