
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Day of the Dragon Slayer

I am still getting use to planning and executing all the plans I have for the liturgical year. I am loving the interaction I get from my children and the excitement that comes with every new feast day. I was unable to make cupcakes with the Cross of Saint George due to a flat tire that kept me from the grocery store {I should have purchased the ingredients prior to the day of the celebration-Lesson learned }Oh well! Practice makes perfect and I know to be more prepared next time. We also did not receive George and the Dragon from Netflix but instead we watched the Disney classic, The Sword in the Stone. All in all, it was still a memorable day with some excited little boys! After seeing the amazing Dragon cake from Waltzing Matilda I will definitely make one next year!.

Here are the pictures from our Saint George Festivities!
Scones...Did I say scones? I mean biscuits {that look similar to scones} for breakfast ;o)

Went perfectly with my Hazelnut coffee! YUM!

Dragon Fruit Smoothies!
Not really made with dragon fruit but definitely made the kids smile
Recipe below (makes about 3)
1 can tropical mixed fruit
1 strawberry banana yogurt
splash of apple juice

English Fish n' Chips!
I think Little Man didn't quite understand why we were calling the french fries chips

Here are the boys being boys playing with the Dragon castle and swords

I hope everyone had a Jolly Good Day! Now to start preparations for tomorrow...and the Feast of Saint Mark!
Saint George, Pray for us!

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