
Saturday, April 28, 2012

The March: Team KLAG

Today was the day.... the day of the March of Dimes March for Babies! Squishy and I walked with Team KLAG! It was my first time walking for a cause and it was such a great experience. I know we will be doing it again. Hopefully soon.

What an amazing day! The weather was absolutely gorgeous with brilliant sunlight and a calm cool breeze. Everything was decorated with big purple and white balloons. Bubble blowers were setup at the checkpoints and blew around as you passed. The path set for us to walk was lined with beautiful shady trees and with views of the Gulf of Mexico. If the beautiful weather and gorgeous scenery wasn't enough to get you excited there was a band playing music along the beginning of our walking path. I am honored that Squishy and I were able to attend such a wonderful fundraising event for such a great cause. You could feel the love that everyone participating had for every child we were walking for. I loved watching the enthusiasm and excitement. The pavilion area and several teams held posters decorated in honor of their teams and children that were their team mascots. Every team also had team shirts that were decorated anyway the team designated. Look at the amazing job Mallory did on these shirts. She even had every team members name on the backs.

Look Closely you can see Kai's name within the words on the shirt.

My camera was not wanting to cooperate with me so all the pictures posted are compliments of the team members of KLAG. Thank you everyone for the amazing pictures! As I come across more pictures I will update this post. Please leave me a comment if you have any more you don't mind me borrowing. Thank you in advance and keep checking for updates!

It was so refreshing to see families together and children playing and running down the path. Squishy walked for maybe 100 steps before deciding being carried (not pushed in the stroller) was the best way to finish the race. I definitely got a workout! As you finished the walk and crossed under the purple and white balloon arch they handed out the cutest stickers to every walker and stroller! :o) Take a look at the kids with the stickers on their shirts. I love how Squishy is passed out but the sticker says "I DID IT!" We placed our sticker on our calendar when we got home.

This walk was so much fun. Many of the members of the team were friends from high school, so it was a small reunion for me. It was great to see how everyone is starting families and/or starting careers. It was an awesome feeling. In addition to having an amazing day and getting a chance to catch up with some high school friends, our team won several awards! The March of Dimes hands out the awards after the walk and Team KLAG won Best New Team AND Best Family Team! GO TEAM KLAG!

I love the poster Mallory made to hang from Kai's stroller for the walk. If you can't see through the shadow it says...
My daddy is in Afghanistan. Wish you were here. Love you!
In this area we have many military families. These families deserve so many thanks for the sacrifices they make for everyone's freedom. We all wish you could have come to walk with us today and thank you for your service.

This picture embodies the whole day!

For those of you interested in joining us next year they will be hosting the March of Dimes March for Babies in Panama City on April 27, 2013. Go ahead and mark your calendars its never too early to start getting ready for this awesome event!

O God, our Heavenly Father, You sent Your Son into this world that He might Bless and Consecrate all life to You.
Your constant Love protected Him as the Ever Virgin Mary bore Him in Her womb for nine months.
In His mission He taught us the Greatness of Your Love and the Sanctity of Life.
We pray that we may always cherish the Life that You give us.
In a special way we ask and pray that You Grace and Protect all unborn children with Your ever caring Love.
We pray this in the Name of Jesus, Who is Lord, Forever and Ever. Amen.
Most Rev. Louis E. Gelineau, D.D.
Bishop of Providence

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