
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Transformers Party!

I finally finished this post about Little Man's 5th Birthday and Going Away Party! Little Man's Birthday Celebration was actually spread out into 2 days so he was excited to extend the Birthday Boy spoiling for an extra day :o) He even wore his Transformer Birthday Ribbon both days. We started the excitement last Friday on his actual Birthday. The Birthday boy requested to have strawberry-blueberry pancakes with whipped cream... they were delicious!

A quick side note: I mentioned in an earlier post that Squishy broke my camera ( a Nikon Powershot ) Well I was unable to get a new digital camera before the party of the same quality. I bought a $20 camera and the picture quality shows! Its not the best but at least I was able to snap a few pictures of the big day. I also have some pictures on my phone but I still haven't found the USB cord that goes with a Pantech Phone. Does anyone know where I can find one?

Sorry about that...continuing on with the party now...

After breakfast Little Man opened a few gifts that came from family and put together puzzles all afternoon while I worked a short shift. My parents took us all out to see Disney's new movie Brave. Little Man has wanted to see this movie since he saw the first preview on Cars 2 so it was a great way to end the first day of his Birthday Celebration!

The following day, Saturday, we had a party with about 16 kids in honor of Little Man's big day. I am so glad that his friends from school, soccer and church were able to make it out to see him. We set the location at a local park that has a water park inside the slides and jungle gyms. I was super nervous that Tropical Storm Debbie was going to rain it out. God blessed us with an amazing sunny morning with a light breeze for the party and a few rain clouds came in later in the afternoon, when the party was finished. The party was Transformer themed with  red and blue as the colors and a gorgeous Transformers cake that Publix was able to make in less than 24 hours notice (Another blessing). The pictures of the cake are among the pictures I need to download off my camera... sorry for the suspense until I get a USB cord. 
The kids were very helpful getting Little Man to open his presents. Some kids get upset with help unwrapping gifts but Little Man welcomes it knowing he can see what's inside sooner. 

Little Man received Transformers... Transformers and some more Transformers!
I'm glad my husband was excited about trying to figure out how to "transform" the toys because it looks pretty complicated to me. I think he feels like he's reliving his childhood. 

Little Man was proudly showing off his new movie How to Train Your Dragon to everyone. We actually owned a copy about a year ago but it was broken when Little Man was trying to take it out of the case. 

God showered us with so many blessings on this day it was amazing! No rain although there was a Tropical Storm. We were able to get a cake with less than 24 hour notice.

If you were starting to wonder why there are hardly any pictures with Squishy in them that is because he was having a blast running around, trying to eat dirt and chasing the stray cats around the picnic area. At one point he jumped off the picnic table into the dirt and rolled around in it. He was a muddy mess because he had run through the water park several times before he decided to roll around in the dirt. Little Man thought this behavior was hilarious and was continuously laughing at Squishy. I, on the other hand, was exhausted! Chasing Squishy around was a serious workout for me! But my Squishy marches to the beat of his own drum and continued with his craziness until the party ended. He passed out in the car on the way home. We didn't even reverse out of the parking lot and he was already asleep. 

Little Man was sad to tell everyone goodbye. He was especially sad to say goodbye to a sweet little girl he met at Spring Soccer this year. 

Here is the sweetest picture from the Two-day celebration. Little Man telling Squishy goodbye as he was taking his nap after the party. Little Man went to spend some time with his Ga Ga and Pop Pop in Central Florida. He kissed his little brother on the head and said, "Don't be sad Baby, I love you and I will come back in 100 days!" LOL

Children are truly a gift from God and his way of saying that the world should go on. The innocence and pure love that pours from their hearts is enough to make the most calloused heart melt. My Little Man is no different. He is turning into such a little gentleman! I think his party was everything he could have hoped for and imagined. 

Happy 5th Birthday Little Man!


  1. My boys LOVE transformers!!!! It looks like you had a great time!! Happy Birthday to your little guy and may God bless you all!!

    1. Thank you! We had an amazing time! God Bless you as well!

  2. Ah, such a cute birthday party for the little man! :) Choosing Transformers as a theme is a good one.
