
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Planning Life... An Oxymoron?

It feels so nice to sit down and drink a nice cup of coffee right now. Blogging has become an amazing opportunity for me to meet some amazing people, learn some great recipes and crafts, and have an online journal/ scrapbook about my family and our journeys together. All of these things are helping my family to blossom in our faith and I am so great full. I have enjoyed looking back at several posts and seeing how my progression as a blogger. That being said, I find it humorous to read my posts about planning Liturgical Feast Days and family outings, it seems every "plan" is always changed around or some things are omitted from the schedule. This had me thinking how planning life is an oxymoron... especially if you have children! I have perfectionist tendencies so I like to plan things, although, life has taught me to enjoy the unplanned occurrences more and more. I think the unplanned events are an opportunity for us to give special praises to God because the unexpected tends to be a blessing from him to simplify or add some pzazz to the day. 

I know that my plans are not decided by myself alone but I felt the need to go ahead and start "planning" ;o) the upcoming week. I have to admit that I am curious and excited to see what interludes and new adventures will be awaiting me and my family. I would love some ideas and inputs on any and all days please! Movies, books, activities traditions, coloring pages and recipes... 

July 3: Feast Day of Saint Thomas the Apostle
Build something with legos or building kit... maybe a bird house?  (St. Thomas is the Patron Saint for architects, construction workers and builders)

July 4: Independence Day
Fortnight for Freedom: Special Mass
Firework show
Grill American Cheeseburgers
Sing "God Bless America"

July 6: The Feast Day of Maria Goretti
Spaghetti Dinner: white spaghetti for her purity and marinara for the blood she shed to save it
Watch Movie: Maria Goretti
Make Lily Centerpiece (reuse on July 14th)

July 7: First Saturday

July 14: The Feast Day of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
Walk on our Nature Trail 
Make Turtle Craft

** I also want to have my families scapulars enrolled, I am not really sure how to go about it... any help would be appreciated! Thanks and God Bless!**

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