
Monday, July 2, 2012

Glory Stories Volume IX: {Audio Review}

My children and I were truly inspired by this CD. This story of Jose Sanchez del Rio is apart of the new movie For Greater Glory (Starring Andy Garcia, Peter O'Toole, Eduardo Verastegui of Bella, and Eva Longoria). that recently came to theaters June 1st. I urge you if you have children, especially boys, to purchase this CD. 
Viva Cristo Rey!
This is the true dramatic story of betrayal, courage and triumph of a young boy that stood up against his country for his Catholic faith. Glory Stories Volume IX: The Story of Blessed Jose Sanchez del Rio describes the life of a devote Mexican Catholic during the time of extreme persecution of the Catholic Church in Mexico. This is a great educational tool that discusses a time in history not taught in depth in public schools. Learning about these hard and scary times is critical for all, especially children, so they learn to cherish the freedoms we have in the United States. In addition to the great history lesson, the story of Jose is breath-taking and so are the musical components that are sung and played in the background. The main topics of forgiveness, sacrifice and faith are discussed among the characters illustrating the story beautifully.

I personally like that the story about the Maccabees is explained in detail at the beginning of the audio so the listeners can feel the dramatic irony throughout the story. I have to admit there are several parts in the story that make me tear up in sorrow and joy. The emotions will hit you hard and make this story easy to relate to, whether you are a parent or child. This CD will give your entire family an experience like nothing else l have recieved from a CD before. It makes me proud to say that my oldest son requests to listen to this CD every time we are in the car. I love that he shouts "Viva Cristo Rey!" and understands that even a little boy can do what is right. I know that this CD was created for children but adults will love it too. I hope every child has the opportunity to at least hear this inspirational CD once, they will never forget it. I will be purchasing more Glory Stories for my children.

                   I wrote this review of Glory Stories Vol. IX for the free Catholic Book review program, created by Aquinas and More Catholic Goods Store. Aquinas and More is the largest on-line Catholic bookstore.
I receive free product samples as compensation for writing reviews for Tiber River.


  1. Hi Jessica,

    That sounds wonderful Jessica! I haven't seen the movie yet but that's my plan for the week. I can't wait too long because it's left my immediate area and I'll have to drive about 30 minutes or so. Blessings to you for teaching your children about the saints!

    1. Thank you! I haven't seen the movie yet either but I am trying to figure out a way for me and my husband to go soon. Please let me know how you like the movie :o)
