
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day!

I hope everyone had an amazing 4th of July! It was extremely hot and humid so we stayed inside and enjoyed a lazy summer day together as a family. I couldn't help but try out my new camera and I had some great models to help me out!

 Look at my handsome men! 

I wish we were able to have more quiet days like these. We have been running around trying to get everything prepared for this move. We have found a new home and now we are in the process of down-sizing since we will be in a smaller place. We have so much stuff!! We are having a garage sale and then donating whatever is left over. We also have a school and daycare picked out for the boys.

A nice lazy day with an afternoon run was exactly what we needed.

I really wanted to make some cute T-shirts for the boys but I didn't think it was a great idea to buy more craft supplies so I am keeping this idea for another time but check it out here!

It was a quiet celebration in our household. We made good ole' American Hot dogs with broccoli and corn on the cob for dinner and we finished our meals with a Star Spangled Ambrosia. The ambrosia was a mixture of strawberries, blueberries, whipped topping and star shaped marshmallows! It was a nice light dessert that the kids enjoyed as much as I did. Little Man really wanted to make white hot chocolate and top it off with our stay marshmallows but I convinced him it was too hot today but I thought it might be a good idea to try next year maybe with cold strawberry milk? Maybe... I will contemplate that :o)

It was overcast as evening approached and we have discovered Squishy is very afraid of fireworks (We know this from New Years). So...Instead of watching the large city display we decided to stay home and watch some neighbors shoot off a display from the comfort of our backyard patio. Little Man lit a few sparklers of our own! I didn't get many great photos of the fireworks because I didn't realize my new camera has no flash. I am still learning how to use it but I think my pictures came out pretty good! Now to start prep for tomorrow's feast day as I make some dinner! I hope everyone had an amazing day with their families!

God bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Through the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home
God bless America, My home sweet home.

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