
Friday, July 6, 2012

Saint Maria Goretti

Today is the Feast of Saint Maria Goretti. I have to admit that I didn't learn much about this amazing young woman. Her story of her and her mother's  ability to forgive Maria's murderer is awe-inspiring. It is so easy to say we should all forgive every sin but when something like murder or sexual assault, I am sure it is easier said than done, but forgiveness must be done. I pray that I can be like Maria and forgive all transgressions immediately and that anything I have done to wrong my friends and family, that they can forgive me for my misguidance. I also pray that when my children are older that they cherish their purity and live lives of chastity. These topics are too adult to discuss in full detail with my boys right now but I will be using this story to inspire them when the time comes. Another intriguing aspect of this story is the repentance of her attacker and his conversion that began after a dream he has of Maria  after several years in prison. 

We had a small Italian dinner in honor of the brave, young Maria of Italy. The menu included Angel Hair pasta to symbolize the purity of our Angel in heaven and marinara sauce for the crown of martyrdom she wears. I am hoping to receive this beautiful coloring book about Maria Goretti soon. There is a beautiful resource called the Modesty Pledge that I hope you check out as well. I am also interested in reading the book based on her life titled Saint Maria Goretti: In Garments All Red. 

I have an idea for a liturgical centerpiece involving lilies that I will definitely be making as soon as we get settled in our new home. I am really excited to share it with everyone once it is complete! It will be something my children can help make but can be used for any feast days that lilies are a symbol (Feast of Saint Joseph, Saint Maria Goretti, Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, etc.)

Remember to start your Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel tomorrow!

Prayer to Saint Maria Goretti
Heroic and angelic Saint Maria Goretti, we knee before thee to honor thy persevering fortitude and to beg thy gracious aid.

Teach us a deep love for the precepts of our holy Church; help us to see in them the very voice of our Father in Heaven. May we persevere without stain our white baptismal robe of innocence.

May we who have lost this innocence, kneel humbly in Holy Penance; and with the absolution of the priest may the torrent of Christ's Precious Blood flow into our souls and give us new courage to carry the burning light of God's love through the dangerous highways of this life until Christ our King shall call us to the courts of Heaven.

Saint Maria Goretti, pray for us!

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