
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last day of Kindergarten

My baby boy will always be my baby but according to him he is a big boy now. Today was Little Man's official last day of kindergarten. I wonder if every accomplishment is going to get me so choked up. Looking back on this past year I am even more proud of what he has accomplished because if all the additional obstacles he had in his path. I know most know that I am currently going through a really rough divorce and it has been equally hard on my children. We have had to be uprooted several times, change our schedules around and deal with the emotional trauma while continuing our daily lives. Little Man actually started school a couple weeks late because I did not have copies of his birth certificate and other important information to have him registered. I do not want anyone to feel sorry for us though because me and my boys are happier, stronger and have grown exponentially in our faith though this experience. God never gives you more than you can handle and he will never leave your side.
Here is a picture of Little Man with the beautiful Stargazer lilies he bought for his amazing teacher, Mrs. Guy. After the exciting school year he had in her classroom she sent such a sweet letter home in his folder saying she would love to hear how he continues to learn and grow. It really touched my heart and Little Man just smiled as I read it to him.

I am truly blessed and seeing the blessings that my sons will bring to the people we cross in our paths makes my heart soar.
Now on to the next adventures... summer camp and 1st grade!

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