
Monday, July 8, 2013

Saint Apollonia: Tooth Fairy Traditions

Saint Apollonia is the Patron Saint of dentistry and tooth problems. I have seen so many cute ideas where parents have made dolls in the likeness of Saint Apollonia to hold their children's babyteeth until the "tooth fairy" comes and replaces it with a dollar or two. I hope one day I will be blessed with a little girl so I can make a Saint Apollonia doll one day but for now I have two boys that were not excited about making a doll. I decided to make our own unique tradition. I, of course, took a picture of Little Man's smile with his missing tooth and wrote a cute prayer that I found at Crafty in Coffeeland. I will place the picture next to his Guardian Angel Candle and we will recite the prayer and put his tooth on the picture. Maybe I will be a little more creative with the next tooth... until then...
Saint Apollonia, pray for us!

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