
Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy 4th of July!

This post is a little late :o) But I hope everyone had an amazing Fourth of July! I had an amazing time and was blessed to spend the day having fun with my boys! It was very rainy and cloudy where we live so we drove to another town about an hour away to enjoy there firework display... our town did fireworks yesterday, which was still fun but it was weird too because it was the 7th of July!

God Bless America! 

I also wanted to add a few notes here to give everyone a small update to what's to come for me and the boys. I will be sharing our new Saint Apollonia tooth tradition in more detail, planning for the end of Soccer season and preparing for our first season playing Football, Celebrating Saint Benedict this Thursday! I also have Field Day posts and a few other end of the school year things I have been working on and some pictures from Little Man's 6th Birthday. There is so much happiness and new adventures coming our way and we are happier than I ever knew was possible!

Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement! It means more than you know.

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