
Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Lenten Season

The Lenten Season is in full swing and I have already managed to get behind on some of the activities I was attempting to incorporate this year. In a way, this is what Lent is really about... simplifying our insanely crazy lives from all the distractions and learning to focus on what is really important. There are so many different ways to emphasize this special season of praying, fasting and alms giving. I love this season pf preparation because even though I often struggle to make changes, I am highly motivated and when I fail, I am able to refocus and try again with discouragement.

Lenten Promises: This was something new I added to our usual Lenten traditions. Everyone in the family wrote out their Lenten promises and displayed them on the mantel. We have two boys in need of writing practice and this gave us a great way to do it! I am still brainstorming but I think I could incorporate these Lenten Promise papers into our Family Command Center... just a thought.

Lenten tree: My boys love this tradition and we have done an "OK" job of keeping up with our daily evening of reading the scripture included on the ornament and hanging it on our Lenten Tree on the mantel place. We've had a couple nights were we had to double up on ornaments to catch up but I have all intentions of completing this on a nightly basis moving forward. If you click the link, you will have access to the same ornaments my family has used the past few years. On a side note: I am hoping that I can reprint these ornaments on card stock and laminate them so we can reuse them instead of me printing the ornaments each year and cutting them as we go. Or maybe transfer them onto wood...

40 Bags in 40 Days: This is my first year doing this and it is great! It is an awesome way to spring clean and reorganize your whole house.  It is a great way to jump start your alms giving as well. I even gave the kids each a bag to go through their toys.

Stations of the Cross: I created a display on a purple foam poster board with the printable Stations of the Cross I found at Family and Feast in Feria. This is still an art project *under construction* but it is displayed on our mantel and is coming together.

Sacrifice Beans: This is actually sad for me to admit but I still haven't bought any beans for my kids Sacrifice Beans... this is one of the areas I am lacking right now because my to-do list is overflowing. Throughout the day the boys do extra chores, prayers and acts of kindness so that they can add "sacrifice" beans to their jar that will turn into jelly beans on Easter Sunday!

Bury the Alleluia: We have an "ALLELUIA" banner that I made several years ago that we normally put inside a gift bag that says DO NOT OPEN UNTIL EASTER... however, this year it is folded under the plate that is holding our crown of thorns. No mater how you do it, the kids always love displaying the banner on Easter until the Easter season is complete.

Holy Heroes Lenten Adventure: This is my absolute FAVORITE activity to do with the children. To begin with the program is FREE, They have so many resources to accompany the program as well. You can purchase the activity books (which are cheaper than printing multiple copies of printables everyday) and audio CDs you can take on the go.

Resurrection Garden: There are many different variations of this craft but I am hoping to purchase the necessities to do this craft from the Dollar Tree and create some gardens with the boys this weekend!

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