
Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Hello World...

I was hoping to entertain myself and maybe a few friends with this idea of a blog. Please forgive me because this will MOST DEFINITELY be a work in progress.. so grab a glass of wine and while you are reading about the crazy, fun and dramatic adventures I experience in my life via being a mother of two young boys and the wife to a man, only as half as crazy as me. **wink wink**  We are NOT perfect but we are not boring either. We dabble in healthy lifestyles and attempt to eat home cooked meals and stay active but we equally enjoy sitting around and stuffing ourselves with delicious treats and hanging out at the house. I love food, family and friends! I don't want to forget that I love books and my husband is a movie buff. My children are still in active searches for their likes and hobbies.. and they ALWAYS change their minds! The most important aspect of our lives is our faith. We are a Catholic family and that is incorporated to every aspect of our lives as much as possible but we are also human and do not always reach the bar we set for ourselves. We are a family built from Hispanic, Hawaiian and Filipino background... that explains the love of food and family right? We just love trying new things and having new experiences!

This brings us to the point of this blog! I wanted to intertwine two of my favorite things... wine and prayer! I hope you join me on my adventures and I wouldn't mind any comments or suggestions on anything! 

Some upcoming posts I am working on are...
The Lenten Season 2016... and how I am already behind! Hate to admit it but it hasn't even been a full week yet but still plenty of time to get the derailed train going again.
Relay for Life: My goal to raise awareness and hopefully some money for a great organization!
Spring Sports: Football and Soccer! Yes, I am that crazy mom that jumps up and down every time my boys wants to get involved with team sports!

There are actually a few more but why lay all my cards on the table? 
Now you 'll have to come back and see what we are doing! I'll leave you with this "almost" perfect picture I took of the family a couple weeks ago... my poor husband is hard to see because of the beautiful rays of sunlight that are beaming over him but I think it is a good visual of our lives and how we envision things and the beauty of imperfection :)

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