
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Good Friday and Holy Saturday

As Lent comes to a close, the weather in our area has become quite chilly! There is another winter storm on the way! Looks like we will be having our first White Easter in Colorado :) Here's a quick snapshot of my families Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Around the holidays I tend to take many many many pictures, I hope you are ready to get a good look at my hilarious family!

Good Friday:

Tomato soup and grilled cheese is my families' traditional Good Friday dinner. I love having symbolic meals during our Liturgical Celebrations. The boys always seem to remember the food more than any other memory. We watched first part of The Animated Passion of the Christ with the family and I also was lucky enough to be able to watch The Passion of the Christ with my husband. We were so blessed that the boys Spring Break fell during Holy Week this year. It is really important to me that the boys are able to fully grasp the importance of the Holy Tridium. I don't normally take many pictures on Good Friday because it is a day of prayer and preparation. In all honesty, I was just too busy doing my last minute cleaning, cooking and organizing our Easter Celebration. Also I started our Divine Mercy Novena.

Holy Saturday:

Similar to Good Friday, Holy Saturday is another day of prayer and preparation and during the day we completed the rest of our to dos. The boys were most excited about the plans for the evening when we get to start having some fun when the Easter Vigil begins. We were going to attend the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday but my husband found out he was going to have to work early Sunday morning. We decided to go to Mass Sunday morning without my husband instead. His job requires him to work a lot of weekends but we normally have more time to organize our daily schedules without interrupting his sleep schedule to compensate for his long work hours.

Easter egg decorating is always a main event on Holy Saturday night. We started the evening with a crock pot dinner of BBQ Chicken and rice and started on the main event...

If you checked out my recent {pretty, happy, funny, real} post, you already know that my boys are in a big Star Wars phase. We had to get the egg coloring kit with Star Wars stickers and shrink wraps. It was also my husbands first time coloring Easter eggs with us :)

I love that my husband enjoys doing these activities as much as the kids. He was so excited that he was able to do all the "shrink wrapped" eggs. I don't really trust the boys around boiling water with a metal utensil to scoop eggs so... it made everyone happy that daddy was able to help!

The boys were able to recycle the empty cartons from our eggs used in our Star Wars coloring to create Resurrection Eggs too. I feel bad that I wasn't able to get any good pictures of the boys symbols before they "played" with them until they disintegrated into confetti on the floor. Goalie is still learning how to use his scissors and cut most of his into tiny pieces before Little Man joined in to help and his also ended in pieces. I am glad Little Man wanted to help his little brother though.

During our Saint Patrick celebration, (that I was never able to write a blog about...oops) we watched our Saint Patrick movie and they remembered that in honor of Holy Saturday, Saint Patrick lit a huge bonfire. They really wanted a bonfire but I convinced them that the fireplace was just as good! It was actually very relaxing and helped the boys calm down from our egg decorating extravaganza. I would like for this to become a new tradition we can add to our families Holy Saturday activities.

There are so many activities I enjoy completing during Holy Week but I decided to make it super simple this year so we could enjoy the moment a little more. I hope that the end of the Lenten season has been prayerful and meaningful for everyone and their families as much as it was for me and mine.

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