
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Resurrection Party 2016

The newness of Easter and Spring are so refreshing and motivating! Thanks to some great spring cleaning during Lent, my house is feeling less cluttered and more open. In our house we also do the Easter Bunny thing but we have him hang our Alleluia banner that has been "buried" throughout Lent and exchanges the beans from our sacrifice jar into jelly beans (he always includes the jelly bean prayer too ). The Easter Bunny also brings other religious treats and gifts. In the past he has brought saint metals, rosaries, bibles and saint cards. This year he brought chocolate crosses, religious pencils and biblical books for the boys this year.

Since Lent is a season of fasting, we had to start our Easter season with a BANG! We are huge donut lovers and we always make sure to have some special donuts for breakfast on Easter Sunday morning. If we buy a dozen that allows everyone to have 3.... which is 3 more than I need but they are so yummy looking and tasting!!!

Even though we have the Easter Bunny bring our boys baskets, we don't take them to any Easter egg hunts or to visit with the Easter Bunny until Easter Sunday. I think Little Man may be growing out of visiting with our fuzzy friend but he was still cooperative for his little brother's sake. This was the first year Goalie wasn't afraid to be near the Easter Bunny! I was so proud of my big boy!

Bass Pro is such a nice company for giving a free photo to families for coming to visit the Easter Bunny. I really think it is awful that Malls charge such high amounts for holiday photos and I am glad for this alternative. The boys also enjoyed the enormous fish tank they have at Bass Pro and because Goalie was such a brave boy with the Easter Bunny this year, they picked some apple flavored licorice. And for some reason they also wanted to take a picture with this moose that was near the waiting area for pictures. My boys crack me up!

After our trip to the Bunny, it was time to head home and enjoy the rest of our first White Easter in Colorado with some quiet time, movies and of course, FOOD! I made a smaller Easter meal than usual but for lunch we had egg salad... thanks to the many Star Wars decorated eggs sitting in the refrigerator... we may be having egg salad for the next week for lunch. 

I was unable to get pictures of the Spiral Ham and sides I made because we ate most of it. Only a little ham was left over. We also gorged ourselves on licorice, jelly beans, peeps and chocolate. My stomach is still hurting its so full from our Resurrection Party. I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your Easter Sunday with two more pictures of my family. Looks like we need to invest in a "selfie stick" so we can get pictures of the whole family at home :) I never thought I would say or even think those words HAHA. 

Happy Easter!


  1. Hello, Jessica! I discovered your blog through PHFR at Auntie Leila's a few weeks ago and was unable to comment for some reason. I'm so happy to see that I can now. I really enjoyed your Easter post. It looks like you all had a wonderful Easter.

    Happy Easter! I look forward to getting to know you through your blog.

    Best wishes!

    1. Hello Jenny! Thank you so much! Sorry about not being able to comment on the blog. I have been learning about how to blog and I think I had messed up some of the settings when I first started but I think I have worked out most of the kinks :) I hope you had an amazing Easter as well and I look forward to talking to you again sometime!
      God Bless!
