
Thursday, March 31, 2016

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life 
Every Thursday Like Mother Like Daughter ~


I love how pretty Little Man's brand new football uniform looks... Bright Red and crisp! I know it won't look or smell this amazing for long since our first game is Saturday. 


Both my boys love the outdoors and love sports. They have been so happy that spring football and soccer are in full swing and will be having their first games this upcoming week.


It is officially Spring now and Colorado has decided to have some fun with these Floridian natives by dumping snow on his several times this past week. We are really missing the beaches and the warm sun on our faces. I have been told by several people that this has been the snowiest winter this area has seen in years... Go figure.


I don't know if videos are suppose to be included in the {pretty, happy, funny, real} linkup but this is as real as it gets! Goalie is really into music. He always has loved to sing at church and he decided to write a song about Jesus. I love how real his desire to love God has led him to this moment. This video both melts my heart and makes me so proud to have such amazing little blessings I call children. I am going to apologize in advance if the video won't play... I am working on it but my internet is having a difficult time staying connected tonight.


  1. I'm in CO, too! Aww...all this snow. I wouldn't know what to think if I were a Florida native, but as a KY native, just give me spring, please, only without the tornadoes! Agree with you about the football jersey. It is pretty but won't be for long. I have to wait for my boys to be up to listen to the song, but I'll be back.

    1. I love it here in Colorado. Its so beautiful and I love that there isn't much humidity. The jersey is not as pretty anymore... I knew it wouldn't last long LOL
