
Thursday, April 7, 2016

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life 
Every Thursday Like Mother Like Daughter ~


This has been the week that my husband and I decided we would challenge ourselves to a Vegan diet for a week. You can read more here. I am missing my dairy so very much but I have to admit that the recipes that we have been preparing are so beautiful and very appealing to the eyes. Tomorrow I will be trying out some Red Lentil Curry in the crockpot! The boys have an extra day off from school so they will get to smell the amazing aroma with me all day.


Goalie started Spring Soccer and has had two games already and he has been doing amazing! His team is undefeated so far and we have had so much fun watching him run around on the field. He has even worn his batman jacket to his second game. We are up to bring snacks this Monday!


This is Lemon, our crazy cat. As you can see she has a beautiful lemon streak on her face and that is how she came to get her name. Well, she has recently decided that she really enjoys drinking from our toilet. She knocks all the hygiene products I leave on the counter and hops onto the toilet because she is too proper to just jump on the toilet. This picture has been cracking me up the past few days. 


This American flag was one donated to a restaurant from a fallen soldiers family. My husband overheard that they were going to throw it away and offered to take it. I am so glad that he did. This is a real symbol of our nation and a real person's sacrifice. We have hung it on our wall in honor of whomever this flag was meant to represent. 

"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
John 15:13

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