
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Saint Stanislaus of Kracow

Monday was the Feast of Saint Stanislaus of Kracow and I wish I could have gotten this post done sooner. Before I started researching this intriguing saint, I did not know anything about him. He is the patron saint of Poland. He became a martyr by standing up to a corrupt king who became filled with hatred for Saint Stanislaus. This king's hatred became so strong that he killed him at the altar and had his body dismembered and scattered. Interestingly Kracow is where the next World Youth Day will be held this year in July!

If you have had a chance to read my blogs about my new workouts, new diets and healthy challenges my family is trying out to make our lifestyles more healthier, We have decided that we would incorporate a Vegan recipe night once a week and Fridays would be a No Meat recipe night. Excluding meat from our family dinners a couple times of week will increase our vegetable intake and lower our weekly grocery bill. We also are extremely busy right now with sports 6/7 days in the week in addition to our regular appointments and to dos and planning simple but healthy meals are very important... so it's really a WIN WIN WIN no matter how you spin it. So in honor of Saint Stanislaus I have chosen a Polish Sausage and pepper recipe to try out tonight. 

Father, may the example of St. Stanislaus of Poland inspire the people of Poland and throughout the world to follow Jesus Christ even in the midst of oppression form ungodly governments. May his holiness of life and dedication to prayer be an example to each one of us in our own state in life and vocation. May his holy priesthood and Episcopal service inspire priests and bishops in our own time to care for the faithful and stand up to those who persecute the Church, without fear for their own safety, willing to even shed their blood if called to do so. Amen

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