
Thursday, May 5, 2016

{pretty, happy, funny, real}

~ Capturing the context of contentment in everyday life 
Every Thursday Like Mother Like Daughter ~


In honor of Ascension Thursday and Cinco de Mayo, we celebrated with chicken fajitas for dinner. I chose a chicken dish because Jesus ascended into heaven similar to a bird ascending into the air. Chicken fajitas are also a common meal in honor of Cinco de Mayo! I also made some delicious Honey Vanilla Chamomile Tea with Whipped Vanilla Bourbon Raw Honey and a splash of Honey Bourbon as my night time dessert! I am actually enjoying my cup as we speak! I am so lucky that my husband took me out for a daytime date in Manitou Springs and purchased the amazing Vanilla Bourbon Honey in a little shop in the historic downtown. 


So on the way to Goalie's school after a therapy session we passed a fire department we don't normally see since it is not on our usual route to school. Goalie noticed it and felt that we really needed to bring the firefighters something. I promised him that I would take him to bring some pictures another day because we had to get to school since we were already late. Well... Goalie took it upon himself to make some construction paper robots and begged me to take him to the fire department when I picked him up from school. How could I say no? So we puller up and he gave his gift to Fire Fighter Mike. He was so awesome! He gave Goalie a firefighter hat, sticker badge and a cup with a fire fighting dalmatian on it. He even let him get into the fire truck! I am so blessed to have such affectionate children. It was an awesome experience and truly made Goalie's day!

In addition to our impromptu stop at the fire department, I received a call from Little Man's school to inform me that he had made drastic improvements in his reading levels and they wanted to recognize him. God truly rained down his blessings on us this week. 


We always love having game night! This past Tuesday we pulled out a couple family favorites: Jenga, Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. Unfortunately the hubby was stuck at work but the boys and I still had some fun mommy-son time. We are already discussing when we will plan our next family game night. I really want to add some more games to our families collection. Do you have any family favorites?


My husband and I have been getting back onto our regular workouts finally and we are already starting to see results! We have been sticking to a clean eating diet and adding more cardio to our regular workout routines. I do love working out with my husband and I think his motivation and dedication has helped me progress more than I would alone. I am also being mentored by an amazing friend named Heather and she has really kept me on a consistent routine.

I also would like to add that the Pentecost Novena starts tomorrow! So make sure to get ready! I hope everyone enjoyed Star Wars Day yesterday (May the 4th be with you) and Ascension Thursday/ Cinco de Mayo! We are looking forward to the Kentucky Derby and Mother's Day this week too!


  1. i love the idea of a game night! we play more card games than board, and go fish is a favorite.

    1. I was thinking of adding some card games :) Go Fish was one of my favorites as a kid! I'll have to teach my boys how to play. I was also thinking Uno!!
