
Sunday, May 1, 2016

Summer Time Bucket List 2016

I cannot believe that the school year is ending in 3 weeks! There are so many things to do in this beautiful area and we have made a list of things we would like to experience together as a family. Of course we will be going to the pool, splash pads and parks but I am sure there will be days that we won't want to be out in the sun all day or maybe the weather won't be conducive to being outdoors or maybe we just decide to make some memories together! Some of these places we have visited already but they offer special events throughout the year or every time you visit it is a new and exciting experience.

List of Things to accomplish and locations we need to visit!


Arkansas River Rafting Trip

Camping Trip

Visit a Lake

In addition to the list above I highly recommend that you check out some of the following summer programs to fill the long days of summer without spending extra money. My family is always trying to be frugal so I love programs like the ones listed below that allow me to have fun with my family without spending more than our budget allows because they are free or not much for each event. Checkout my post about Saving Money too. We utilize these money saving options and others to be able to afford our more expensive family outings!

Although I wish our entire summer could be fun, fun and more fun. Both of my boys need schooling during the summer to ensure they have a strong start to their upcoming school years. Little Man will be in the Fourth grade!! I can hardly believe it. He was really struggling with his reading last year but we have made some amazing progress and it looks like he will be getting all A's on his last report card... he just had them on his latest progress report. Goalie on the other hand will be going to kindergarten after two years in preschool, speech therapy, occupational therapy and behavioral therapy so I am a little nervous with him being in big boy school! I found some fun educational activities we will be participating in throughout the summer to keep everyone on track.

PPLD Summer Program

As you can see, there is such an amazing amount of fun things to do here that I am sure we won't make it through this list in one summer but I can promise you that we will be making a great effort! We are still new to the area so I am always open to suggestions of places we should try out! These are the things that I think my family would really enjoy and I am sure that I will be updating this with more information as I come across it so please come back and check this post again.

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